what is the fruit of the rug in the playroom
kiwi rug
in whirlpool, witch three dogs are making a whirlpool in the pool 🐕
bluey, bingo, and chucky
in hospital what two things does bandit have in his belly
what is cat and mouse
in hairdressers, what does bluey rename the episode
in Facey talk, why dose strip says muffin cupcake heeler
she is not sharing with sokes
muffin's full name
what is muffin cupcake heeler
in the episode bingo 3000, what problem does the bingo 3000 have.
her legs won't stay down.
in horsey ride, what are they trying to distract socks from
what is Polly Puppy
what is bandits name in hairdressers
Burt Handsome
in pavlova what doses bluey call the game that dad and mom are playing
the game with the little men
bluey full name
what is Bluey Chistine heeler
what is robo bingo about
mum tries to get robo bingo to clean its teeth
(something along those lines)
in hotel, what is bingos crazy helper name
in Fancy restaurant, what does bandit ask Chilli about the toilet
did you have a nice time in the toilet
why do they have a family meeting
dad flafly
age of bingo
what is four
in muffin unboxing what does muffin what instead of a dump truck
cat squad kitty island
in Docters, what is blueys secretary name
in mum school, what are blueys ballon children's name (Name at least 3 out of the six)
kiwi, windgust, lighting bolt, dronigan, pearl, and greenie.
in onesies, what is bluey and bingo aunt name
[hint on the mom's side]
hidden thing in every episode
what is long dog
how much minisodes are there in season 1
in Docters, what is wrong with bandit
he has snakes and bandages all over him and his temperature is high
in movies, how much does the ticket and popcorn cost
in the sign, why does Chilli get pulled over by the police
because bluey was sitting in the front seat