Who are the two main characters of Bluey?
The two main characters are Bluey (the blue heeler puppy) and her younger sister, Bingo.
How do you feel right now?
Why do you think that you feel this way?
What is the name of Bluey’s favourite toy?
Bluey’s favourite toy is “Bumpy”.
Do you often talk to your family about your feelings?
Who do you talk to the most?
How might you feel if you receive a surprise gift from a friend?
Happy - Excited - Grateful
What kind of animals are Bluey and her family?
Bluey and her family are Australian cattle dogs (also known as blue heelers).
What is one of your happiest memories?
What kinds of things make you feel happy?
What is the name of the magical land that Bluey and Bingo imagine in their playtime adventures?
The magical land is called “The Creek”.
Do you often feel stressed?
What types of things do you worry about?
How might you feel if you have to speak in front of a large audience?
Nervous - Excited - Anxious
What are the names of Bluey and Bingo’s parents?
Bluey and Bingo’s parents are named Bandit (their father) and Chilli (their mother).
What do you usually do when you are feeling bored?
What things do you find boring?
What instrument does Bandit play in the Heeler family band?
Bandit plays the guitar.
Can you tell how a person is feeling by their body language?
Can you give some examples?
How might you feel when you listen to your favourite song?
Happy - Joyful - Silly - Ready to dance
What nationality is the Bluey series?
The Bluey series is of Australian origin.
When was the last time that you were surprised?
What made you feel surprised?
What is the name of the playground that Bluey and her friends often visit?
The playground is called “Verandah Santa”.
How do you feel on cold winter days?
How do you feel on a hot day in summer?
How might you feel if you get bad news?
Sad - Frustrated - Upset
Who is the creator of the Bluey series?
The creator of the Bluey series is Joe Brumm.
What do you do to feel relaxed?
When did you last feel very relaxed and comfortable?
What is the name of the magical creature that Bluey and Bingo encounter in the creek?
The magical creature is called “Judo”.
What do you think are some good ways to learn to control your emotions and feelings?
What do you do now?
How might you feel if someone says something nice to you?
Happy - Loved - Flattered - Comforted