C diff
Mast Cell Disorders
Hodge Podge
Liver Transplant
These are the four main toxicities for chronic metronidazole.
What are nausea, headache, taste perversion, and peripheral neuropathy.
These are the most common precipitant of mast cell degranulation in patients with systemic mastocytosis.
What is emotional stress.
These two scientists were credited with the discovery of insulin
Who are Banting and Best
These are the 3 classic lumbar puncture findings in subarachnoid hemorrhage
What are elevated opening pressure, RBCs, xanthochromia
The MELD system to score appropriateness for transplant includes these elements.
What are age, creatinine, bilirubin, INR.
This medicine was found in a 2011 NEJM trial to be more effective than po vancomycin, but only among non-severe strains
What is fidaxomicin
These are 5 of the most common symptoms of mast cell degranulation
What are flushing, hives, urticaria, angioedema, itching, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, chest tightness, tachycardia, hypotension or hypertension, fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, osteoporosis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, migraines, and neurologic problems such as difficulty concentrating, loss of memory, and other neuropsychiatric issues.
This is the older of the two hospitals of Beth Israel or the New England Deaconess.
What is New England Deaconess
These are the components of the POUND mnemonic for migraine.
What are: Pulsatile quality of headache One-day duration (four to 72 hours) Unilateral location Nausea or vomiting Disabling intensity
These are the 5 main classes of immunosuppressants for liver transplant
What are calcineurin inhibitors, glucocorticoids, MTOR inhibitors, purine/pyrimidine synthesis inhibitors, antibodies.
These common medications have been variably implicated as a risk factor for C diff (not antibiotics)
What are proton pump inhibitors.
These are 3 of the possible classes of medicines that can be useful in an exacerbation.
What are epinephrine, diphenhydramine, glucocorticoids, antihistamines, antileukotrienes, aspirin, ketotifen, cromolyn, chemotherapy.
He is credited with inventing the stethoscope
Who is René Laennec
This is a type of headache which has short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing
What is SUNCT
This is arguably the most important virus in the 1-6 month post-transplant period.
What is CMV
This the name of the more severe strain of C diff now circulating.
What is NAP1/BI/027.
This is the most common mutation associated with mast cell disorders
What is KIT.
This is the full name for the condition HLH
What is hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
The SNOOP criteria for headache red flags include these
What are Systemic symptoms, illness, or condition (eg, fever, weight loss, cancer, pregnancy, immunocompromised state including HIV) ●Neurologic symptoms or abnormal signs (eg, confusion, impaired alertness or consciousness, papilledema, focal neurologic symptoms or signs, meningismus, or seizures) ●Onset is new (particularly for age >40 years) or sudden (eg, "thunderclap") ●Other associated conditions or features (eg, head trauma, illicit drug use, or toxic exposure; headache awakens from sleep, is worse with Valsalva maneuvers, or is precipitated by cough, exertion, or sexual activity) ●Previous headache history with headache progression or change in attack frequency, severity, or clinical features
This surgeon performed the first human liver transplant and is a giant in transplantation surgery.
Who is Thomas Starzl