Practice Makes Perfect

True or false: Child Life Specialists are experts in child development theory and utilize evidence-based interventions to reduce fear, anxiety, and pain




Which of the following is not an appropriate consult to Child Life? 

A) Teaching pill swallowing techniques 

B) Procedural support

C) Babysitting 

D) New diagnosis education 

C) babysitting


Name one area of the hospital where you can find a CCLS

Yawkey 6 (ambulatory pediatrics), ENT, OR, inpatient pediatrics, PICU, Pedi ED 

Bonus: What is the name of the child life specialist on this unit? 


True or False: A child should always be distracted or look away during a procedure

False! Distraction should be a choice but not an absolute. Some children find comfort in watching the procedure. 


Which of the following is a requirement to become certified as a Child Life Specialist? 

A) Bachelor's and/or Master's Degree in child life or a related field

B) 600 hour clinical internship

C) Certification exam 

D) All of the above

D) All of the above

All are required to qualify as a Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS)


True or False: Studies show child life services result in cost savings, including reduced length of stay, decreased sedation needs, and improved family satisfaction and ratings of overall experience



How do you reach a Child Life Specialist for services? 

Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me!

EPIC message, EPIC consult, pager, email, phone, grab us in the hall, yell "hellllllp"


What is an example of appropriate choice you can give a child on your unit to give them a sense of control over themselves or the environment? 

Answers Vary--

Do you want to sit on the table by yourself or with your grownup? 

Should I look at your eyes or your ears first? 

Which arm should we use for blood pressure? 


How many hours of professional development do you need every 5 year cycle to maintain certification? 

A) 20

B) 35

C) 65

D) 80

C) 65


Name one reason you might consult a child life specialist on your unit. 

education, preparation, distraction, coping supports, bereavement services, developmental assessment, medical and/or therapeutic play, behavioral de-escalation, etc. 


How many Child Life Specialists currently work at BMC?


Molly- inpatient/PICU

Katie P- ENT/OR

Katie Y- ED/Ambulatory Clinics

Kirsten- ED

Karlie- Ambulatory Clinics


What is one thing you can do to quickly build rapport and a therapeutic relationship with a child? 

Answers Vary---

Sitting/standing at their level

Talk before touch

Explain who you are and what you are doing

Always be honest



Child life is often a part of what team in a hospital? 

A) Resident/Attendings

B) Nursing 

C) Psychosocial

D) Nutrition 

C) Psychosocial

While child life works with the multidisciplinary team, we often fall under the psychosocial category in a hospital setting (along with social work, rec therapy, musical therapy, pet therapy, chaplaincy, etc). 


In your own words, what does a child life specialist do? 

Work with children and families to help them cope with the challenges of hospitalization, illness, and disability


True or False: BMC's Child Life program began in 2015

False! BMC's Child Life programming began in 1980. That's 40+ years! 


What is a less-threatening, safe and effective way to accomplish procedures that also includes caregiver involvement while avoiding the supine (laying down) position?

Comfort positioning
