What does CNS stand for?
Central Nervous System
What is accessibility?
Making an environment more welcoming to the needs of all individuals and not just the people who represent the majority of the population
What biomedical invention helps with dry skin on our lips?
Lip balm!
What biomedical invention helps us see a broken bone?
X-ray machines!
What does BME stand for?
Biomedical Engineering
What carries blood to the heart and from the heart?
Veins carry blood to the heart
Arteries carry blood away from the heart
Why is accessibility important?
Helps us make the world a better place for everyone by giving equal opportunity to participate in all aspect of life.
What is an invention that can help us with our dental health?
Electric toothbrushes!
What invention can help us protect and heal our broken bones?
What do biomedical engineers do?
They combine engineering, biology, and medicine to develop technology and devices for healthcare
What does our heart do?
Pumps blood without oxygen (deoxygenated) from our body to the lungs, and pumps blood with oxygen (oxygenated) from our lungs to our body
What accessible invention was built for the 2024 paralympics?
High support boccia ball ramps
What are some of the tools you used in the fetal pig dissection?
What does MRI stand for?
Magnetic resonance imaging
What was your favourite project this week and why?
Up to instructors
Why do we need acid in our stomach?
Acid helps us break down proteins we have eaten.
Some of the acids in our stomach need to live in acidic environments.
We need acid to help absorb some vitamins.
What invention helps make racing more accessible?
Racing wheelchairs!
What biomedical invention can be used of someone needs a new heart?
Artificial hearts!
What are other BME inventions that you can think of?
Up to instructors.
Robotic surgery arms
So much more!
What did you learn about biomedical engineering this week?
Up to instructors if answer is detailed enough
Name 2 of the 4 regions of our spinal cord
Cervical region (controls arms, face, muscles, neck)
Thoracic region (controls upper back, chest, abdominal organs)
Lumbar region (controls lower limbs and some of the pelvis)
Sacral region (controls bowels, bladder, thighs, and legs)
What other inventions can you think of for accessibility in biomedical engineering?
Answers up to instructors
Prosthetic limbs!
Glasses with subtitles built in for people with hearing impairments
Many more!
What inventions help us remove plaque from arteries?
Angioplasty (tiny balloon to flatten plaque against the arty walls)
What are examples of inventions that help with mobility?
What are the names of all 3 instructors, and JI?
Instructors reveal answer