there is a customer relationship any time ----- is exchanged
any interaction a customer has with a brand, whether direct or indirect
people outside the company who depend on you for a product or service
external customers
This type of customer isn't particularly loyal or highly dissatisfied with the company; they are content with their experiences but aren’t emotionally invested.
"nice" customer
why are you making it so hard…for me to give you my money?
state of mind, behavior, or conduct regarding some matter
It states that past experiences are judged almost entirely on the intensity of emotions
peak-end rule
At this stage, the business sets expectations and therefore the customer anticipates a certain experience
entice stage
----- Govern Our Decisions
employees who depend on your work for them to complete their work
internal customers
from commodities to goods to services to experiences
progression of economic value
occasions in which important brand impressions are formed
moments of truth (MOT)
when you have customers who love your "brand" so much they are willing to sing your praises to anyone who will listen
customer advocates
Companies use operating processes to run their businesses, and they capture those processes on -----.
flow charts
At this stage, reminders keep you connected to the experience.
Extend stage
a concept that shapes how people perceive you from the moment you meet
first impression
when you feel that the worth you receive from a product or service is poor relative to the cost
value turnoff
too much sameness
blight of the bland
customer who shows interest in a product
focused customer
It consists of 5 stages that cover the entirety of an experience journey
5E model
It is a reflection of your mindset and your attitude
a concept in customer experience where customers don’t have strong feelings either way about a service or product
zone of indifference
purposeful leadership, compelling brand values, employee engagement, and customer connectedness
CX core competencies
If customers are highly satisfied, they probably have a preference or an "-----" to your product or service
part of a quote, people will never forget how you made them -----