Computer Systems and Networks
Impacts of Computing
Data & Day 1-2 Class Review
Creative Development
Course Syllabus

A “network of networks”, which connects networks across the world.

What is the internet?


This is the process of using computer technology to complete a given goal-oriented task.

What is computing?


A type of data that is numerical and can be measured.

What is quantitative data?


The term for the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

What is creativity?


This is the recommended posture for online students to maintain during class.

(Bonus for 50 pts: some example ways to indicate engagement and interest in a discussion with peers, or during class as a whole group)

What is “head and shoulders fully visible on camera”?

(Bonus: What is use physical reactions, facial expressions, and engaging body language?)


An information system that enables content sharing over the Internet through user-friendly ways.

(Bonus for 50 points: The difference between the internet and the answer)

What is the “World Wide Web” (www)?

(Bonus: what is an answer fact checked by the class?)

These are two examples of potential negative impacts of computing on individuals.

What are, for example, cyberbullying, privacy concerns, or addiction?


This is the true, oftentimes unknown, definition of computer science.

What is the study of problems, problem-solving, and the solutions that come out of the problem-solving process?


The term for a rough sketch or model used to visualize an idea.

What is a prototype?


This is how many units or modules there will be in this course.

What is 10?


A system that connects two or more computing devices for transmitting and sharing information.

What is a network?


This is an example of three significant positive impacts of computing on education.

What are, for example, increased access to information, online courses, or collaborative learning tools?


The smallest unit of data in a computer. It is also a value that represents the current state of a single switch. 

(Bonus for 200 pts: These are the two potential values of this unit type)

What is a bit?

(Bonus: what are 0 and 1?)


The approximate time for how long it took to develop the original version of the iPhone.

What is 2 years?


This is how much coursework (class preparation, exercises, discussions, reflections) is weighted in your overall grade.

What is 50%?


An application for accessing websites.

(Bonus for 100 pts: Name 3 of the top 5 most used)

What is a browser?

(Bonus: What is Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Samsung Internet, and Opera?)


This is an example of how computing could contribute to climate change.

What is an answer like the following? Data centers consuming large amounts of energy, electronic waste, or manufacturing processes.


These are the 4 essential components of all computers.

What are input, output, processing, and storage?


A common design principle that emphasizes the importance of making things easy to use.

What is usability?


This is how late assignments are handled in this course.

What is on a case-by-case basis and agreed upon between the student and instructor?


This scripting language (a.k.a. a coding language) is used to create webpages.

What is HTML (HyperText Markup Language)?


This is a term for the unequal access to technology and its resources, leading to disparities in education, employment, and social opportunities.

What is the digital divide?


The approximate size of the world's total digital data, as of 2021.

(Winner will be the closest estimate)

What is 97 zettabytes?

(A zettabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. 97 zettabytes is approximately 776 × 10^21 bits.)


An explanation for the importance of user testing in the creative development process.

(Note: user testing refers to allowing future users of your creation to test what you've developed)

What is the fact that user testing helps ensure that a product or solution meets the needs and expectations of its intended users?


These are three takeaways regarding expectations surrounding collaboration in this class.

What are the following?

  • Collaboration is Encouraged: Students are permitted to collaborate with each other and seek help from teachers or tutors. However, they must be able to explain their own work and demonstrate understanding of the concepts.
  • Plagiarism is Not Allowed: Students must give appropriate credit for any outside sources or collaborations used in their work. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism and violates the school's honor code. (Use of generative AI is not permitted unless otherwise explicitly encouraged for an assignment)
  • Regular Check-Ins: Students will be evaluated through regular check-ins to assess their understanding of the material and their ability to explain their code.