Macronutrients & Micronutrients
Food Labeling
Digestive System
GI Tract Maladies

This macronutrient is the most energy-dense nutrient with 9 calories per gram.

What is fat?


This term describes foods that provide a large number of calories relative to their weight or volume.

What is energy dense?


This label indicates that a food product is grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms.

What is organic?


Starch-digesting enzyme produced by salivary glands and pancreas.

What is amylase?

Erosion of the lining in the esophagus, stomach, or upper small intestine.

What is ulcers?


Proteins are key components of these three vital elements in the body: blood cells, enzymes, and _____________.

What are immune factors?


Health problems resulting from insufficient dietary intake to meet nutritional needs describe this condition.

What is undernutrition?


This act requires that food products containing protein from major allergens must be labeled to protect consumers.

What is the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act?


Mixture of stomach secretions and partially digested food

What is chyme?


Health condition in which stomach acid backs up into the esophagus and is common in half of North American adults.

What is acid reflux or heartburn?


The process of cooking does not affect this nutrient.

What are minerals?


Foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are examples of this type of food, which is rich in nutrients but relatively low in calories.

What is nutrient dense?


A common health claim on food packaging that does not require scientific evidence and is not approved or validated by the FDA. ex) these vitamin gummies supports the immune system

What is structure/function health claim, that describes the role of a nutrient in maintaining the structure or function of the body?


The part of the digestive system that has microbiota and absorbs water, some minerals, and vitamins.

What is large intestine?


Chronic, immune-mediated disease that flattens villi and limits absorption of nutrients due to exposure to dietary protein gluten.

What is Celiac Disease?


These chemicals, found in fruits and vegetables, offer health benefits but are not classified as essential nutrients

What are phytochemicals?


Observed to be adequate to meet the needs of an age/gender without seeing any problems or apparent deficiency.

What is the adequate intake?


You pick up a box of Cheerios cereal in the supermarket. The Nutrition Facts panel tells you that a 1-cup serving provides 25 percent of the ___ for iron.

What is Daily Value?


The type of nutrient that cannot be absorbed by the small intestine, through the Hepatic Portal, to the liver, Because this nutrient is too big, this nutrient enters lacteals, travels to the lymphatic system, to the bloodstream, and is stored in adipose tissue.

What are lipids?


Eliminate trigger foods (poorly digested carbohydrate, follow low-FODMAP dietary pattern, moderate caffei, small, frequent, low-fat meal, and reduce stress, treat depression.

What is the treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?


These four micronutrients dissolve in fat. 

What is Vitamin A, D, E, and K?


Symptoms like rapid hair loss can be an indicator in this type of assessment, which focuses on nutrition-related physical signs.

What is a clinic assessment, the third step in ABCDEs of nutrition assessment?

A food label that means replacing nutrients lost in processing. 

What is enriched?

This organ in the digestive system manufactures insulin, glucagon, bicarbonate ion, lipase, trypsinogen, and amylase. 

What is the pancreas?


According to the Hygiene Hypothesis, a highly sanitized environment might contribute to a higher risk of developing these types of immune-related disorders.

What are allergies and autoimmune diseases?
