Gastrointestinal Disorders
Urinary Disorders
Metabolic &Endicrine disorders
Neurological Disorders
Reproductive system

The client presents with a diagnosis of acute diverticulitis. During the assessment, which of the following findings will most likely support this diagnosis?

a. Right lower quadrant pain

b. Left lower quadrant pain

c. Upper middle abdominal pain

d. Back pain and tenderness

b. Left lower quadrant pain

Mr. East has been admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute glomerulonephritis. During history-taking, you need to ensure that your initial questioning about his recent history includes inquiring about:

Bleeding ulcer

deep vein thrombosis

Myocardial infarction 

streptococcal infection 

streptococcal infection


Effective Collaborative management of Diabetes includes:

a. using insulin with all patients to achieve glycemic goals

b. relying on the health care provider as the central figure in the program for good control

c. relying solely on nutritional therapy as the initial treatment modality for all patients with diabetes.

d. aiming for a balance of diet, activity, and medication together with appropriate monitoring and patient and family teaching. 

aiming for a balance of diet, activity, and medication together with appropriate monitoring and patient and family teaching


What areas are assessed when using a Glasgow Coma scale?

Eye Opening

Verbal Response

Motor Response 

  • For a patient with Crohn disease, the medical-surgical nurse recommends a diet that is:
  • High in fibre, and low in protein and calories
  • High in potassium
  • Low in fibre and high in protein and calories
  • Low in potassium
  • Low in fibre and high in protein and calories
  • W. was recently admitted to your surgical unit after investigations revealed ureteral calculi. The nursing diagnosis having priority is which of the following?
  • Pain, Acute
  • Fluid Volume, Deficient
  • Knowledge, Deficient
  • Skin integrity, Risk for Impaired
  • Pain, Acute
What is the primary action of aldosterone?

a. inhibits sodium excretion 

b. promotes sodium excretion

c. blocks water reabsorption

d. stimulates vasoconstriction 

Inhibits sodium excretion 


The nurse explains yo the patient with a stroke who is scheduled for angiography that this test is used to determine the

a. presence of increased ICP

b. site and size of the infraction 

c. presence of blood in the cerebrospinal fluid

d. patency of the cerebral blood vessels.

d. Patency of the cerebral blood vessels 


Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for the development of uterine fibroids?

a. Reproductive age

b. Unoccupied uterus

c. Menopause

d. Multiparity

d. Multiparity


The nurse is assessing a patient’s pain while the patient awaits a cholecystectomy. The patient is tearful, hesitant to move, and grimacing. When asked, the patient rates his pain as a 2 at this time using a 0-to-10 pain scale. How should the nurse best respond to this assessment finding?

Remind the patient that he is indeed experiencing pain.

Reinforce teaching about the pain scale number system.

Reassess the patient’s pain in 30 minutes.

Administer an analgesic and then reassess

Reinforce teaching about the pain scale number system.

  • Which of the following laboratory data does the nurse anticipate for the client with chronic renal failure before hemodialysis?
  • Increased urine osmolality
  • Decreased phosphorus
  • Decreased potassium
  • Increased creatinine

Increased creatinine


Dr. J prescribed hormone replacement therapy for Wendy who has Addison's Disease. You are the nurse in charge of Wendy'd care and understand the difference between Addison's disease and Cushing Syndrome to be:

Addison's causes signs of masculinity in women while Cushing's causes atrophy of the skin, tissues and hair.

Addison's require treatment with lifetime hormone replacement therapy while Crushing does not

Addison's is caused by hyperplasia of the adrenal gland while Cushing is caused by pituitary enlargement

Addison's occurs as the result of decreased secretion of hormones while Crushings occur as a result of increased secretion 

Addison's occurs as the result of decreased secretion of hormones while Crushings occur as a result of increased secretion


Which of the following is a necessary immediate assessment for C3-4 injury?

a. heart rate

b. Motor ability

c. Temperature

d. Ventilation 


  • A client presents with pain, nausea and vomiting. The assessment revels the discomfort is in the mid-upper abdomen. After completion of the assessment, which of the following diagnosis can the nurse likely anticipate?
  • Appendicitis
  • Peritonitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • A client with several episodes of urinary calculi has been found through analysis to have stones composed of calcium phosphate. The nurse teaches this client to reduce intake of the following foods?
  • Flour, milk, and milk products
  • Organ meats, sardines, and seafood
  • Tomatoes, fruits and nuts
  • Chicken, beef, and ham products
  • Chicken, beef, and ham products

During an assessment of a patient who sustained a head injury 24 hours ago, the surgical nurse notes the development of slurred speech and disorientation to time and place. The nurse's initial action is to

a) Continue the hourly neurologic assessments

b) Inform the neurosurgeon of the patient’s status

c) Prepare the patient for emergency surgery

d) Recheck the patient’s neurologic status in 15 minutes

Inform the neurosurgeon of the patient’s status

  • A patient who received spinal anesthesia four hours ago during surgery is transferred to the surgical unit and, after 90 minutes, now reports severe incisional pain. The patient's blood pressure is 170/90 mmHg, pulse is 108 beats/min, temperature is 99oF (37.2oC), and respirations are 30 breaths/min. The patient's skin is pale, and the surgical dressing is dry and intact. The most appropriate nursing intervention is to:
  • Medicate the patient for pain
  • Place the patient in a high fowlers position and administer oxygen
  • Place the patient in a reverse Trendelenburg position and open the iv line
  • Report the findings to the physician
  • Medicate the patient for pain

A client with a gastrointestinal condition is suffering from chronic constipation. The nurse recommends that the client increase fiber intake to 25 or 30 g per day. Which of the following factors must the nurse consider when counseling the client to increase fiber intake? 

  • The client should increase fiber intake slowly over the course of several days
  • The client should get most dietary fiber from supplements, rather than from food
  • The client may not see a resolution in constipation for several weeks after increasing fiber intake
  • The client should choose fruits that contain plenty of fiber, such as bananas and peaches
  • The client should choose fruits that contain plenty of fiber, such as bananas and peaches

Susan has an arteriovenous (AV) fistula in place in the right upper extremity for her hemodialysis treatments. when planning care for her, which of the following measures should you implement to promote her safety?

take blood pressure only on the right arm to ensure accuracy

use the fistula for all venipuncture and intravenous infusions.

ensure that small clamps are attached to the AV fistula dressing

Assess the fistula for the presence of bruit and thrill every 4 hours.

Assess the fistula for the presence of bruit and thrill every 4 hours.


A 36-year-old client is scheduled for total thyroidectomy for treatment of thyroid cancer. which of the following has been shown as a complication of this type of surgery?

Injury to the clavicle


voice changes

jugular vein distention 

voice changes

  • When examining a patient who is paralyzed below the T4 level, you expect to find:
  • Flaccidity of the upper extremities
  • Hyperreflexia and spasticity of the upper extremities
  • Impaired diaphragmatic function requiring ventilator support
  • Independent use of upper extremities and efficient cough
  • Independent use of upper extremities and efficient cough