Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Topic 11

This is how different cell types maintain their identities by regulating gene expression.

What is by activating or repressing specific sets of genes?


This pattern of gene expression that is passed to daughter cells is known to be stable but only affects one chromosomal copy.

What is a cis mechanism?


This molecule modulates the function and local stiffness of the phospholipid bilayer.

What is cholesterol


These two types of membrane transport proteins are found within the cell membrane.

What are transporter proteins and channel proteins?


This structural motif often occurs in regulatory proteins that involve coordination with metal ions.

What is a zinc finger?


This protein has an important role in defending against pathogens by using small RNA that mediate and silence the targeted pathways.

What is an Argonaute protein?


The glycolipids that, under normal healthy cell conditions, make up the cytosolic side of the lipid bilayer and are not present on the extracellular side of the lipid bilayer

What are phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine?


Coupled transport, ATP-driven transport, and this third type of transport comprise the three modes for active protein transport through the lipid bilayer.

What is light-driven transport?


This term describes the level of gene expression regulation that involves processes such as RNA splicing and transport.

What is post-transcriptional regulation?


A type of RNA editing that provides a new amino acid while also changing the sequence.

What is a Missense Mutation?


A very rigid phospholipid bilayer would most likely comprise only what type of fatty acid tails?

What are saturated fatty acids?


The malfunctioning of this family of mutated membrane transport proteins can cause the genetic disorder cystic fibrosis.

What is an ABC transporter?


This is the critical difference between regulating the Lac and Trp operons in gene expression control.

What is the Lac operon, which is inducible, and what is the Trp operon, which is repressible?


This cellular process is an important method of increasing gene product diversity.

What is alternative splicing?


This proton pump is present in the Halobacterium species of archaea and is activated by light reacting with a chromophore within the core of the protein.

What is bacteriorhodopsin


Ion channel proteins have multiple mechanisms for opening and closing the channel. Specific gated channels can either be ligand-gated, mechanically gated, or this third type of gating.

What is a voltage-gated channel?


These conditions lead to the activation of the Lac operon in prokaryotic cells.

What is the presence of lactose and the absence of glucose?


This group of RNA targets the double stranded viral genomes and is also used as an antiviral defense system.

What are siRNA’s?


This technique is used to display the rate at which membrane proteins laterally diffuse throughout the cell.

What is fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)


These are a type of channel that, upon stretching, are opened up to allow movement of molecules through a membrane pore.

What are mechanosensitive channels?
