From Stephen Sondheim, based on several fairytales from the Brothers Grimm
Into the Woods
English mathematician and logician, often considered the father of computer science, suggested a machine would eventually be able to simulate any algorithm in 1936
Alan Turing
Known for its complex system of clicks, spoken by the Khoisan of southern Africa
Originating in Germany, known for its austerity
"Some boys take a beautiful girl and hider her away from the rest of the world…"
"I wanna be the one to walk in the sun, and girls? They wanna have fun."
Recounting the unlikely romance between two prisoners during the Spanish Civil War
IBM's champion chess player
Deep Blue
Constructed language created by Ludwik Zamenhof in 1887
Upscale, famous for organic and natural products, acquired by Amazon in 2017
Whole Foods
“Welcome to your life, there’s no turning back…"
"Even when we sleep.”
Inspired by Puccini's "La Boheme," translated to The City
Otherwise known as an LLM
Large language model
Ancient Mesopotamian, written in cuneiform, one of the earliest known scripts
Headquartered in Cincinnati, operating under various regional banners including Ralphs, Fred Meyer, and Harris Teeter
“So needless to say, I’m odds and ends, but I’ll be…"
“Stumbling away, slowly learning that life is OK."
GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer)
The liturgical language of a certain East African Orthodox Church
Centered in Monrovia, California, recognized for its quirky product names and friendly staff
Trader Joe's
“If you say run, I’ll run with you; if you say hide…"
“We’ll hide because my love for you would break my heart in two."
From Jeff Whitty, an adaption of Armistead Maupin’s 1978 depicting the life of a group of friends in San Francisco
Tales of the City
Methodology used for decision-making processes, through the creation of algorithms through past entry actions and their outcomes
Reinforcement Learning
The ancient language of the Egyptian Christians
Established by the D’Amour Family in 1936, named for the distinctive intersection at Chicopee and Meadow in Boston.
Big Y
“Mouth is alive with juices like wine…"
"And I'm hungry like the wolf."