(yea you totally suck)
Keeping the liquid in your pot just below the boiling point in order to thicken the liquid or deepen flavors
This pinkish color is named after the flesh of this fish
Known for its long neck, this aquatic creature lives in the Scottish Highlands
Loch Ness Monster
Link is given three days to save the world in this game.
Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
Louvre Museum
France 🤮
Submerging food in liquid and cooking it over low heat
Something a bird may rest on
This legendary sea monster with multiple limbs is said to appear around the coasts Norway
The world of Azeroth is the setting for this pioneer of its genre
World of Warcraft
Taj Mahal
Mixing sugar with unmelted butter in order to create air bubbles within the butter
This long thrusting spear which requires two hands to wield due to its considerable length
An ape-like creature which is purported to live within the Himalayan Mountains
Beginning as a fan mod, this game stars heroes such as Doom, Invoker, Juggernaut and Pudge and inspired many similar games of the same genre.
Machu Picchu
Food, typically vegetables, gently heated in oil/fats to soften them and release flavor
Is both the name for a species of fish as well as a species of snake famous for killing Cleopatra
In the early 1900s, several residents in South Jersey and Philadelphia were said to have seen this flying biped with the head of a goat, wings of a bat, a forked tail and hooves for feet.
Jersey Devil
This gothic turn based RPG was a smash hit from Red Hook Studio.
Darkest Dungeon
Angkor Wat
This French technique involves cooking something low and slow in fats before it is transported to a container and covered with the remaining fat to preserve it and flavor it
This low pitched instrument whose role in a band is to provide rhythmic and harmonic foundation.
West Virginia is said to be the home of this legendary winged humanoid creature with glowing red eyes.
Walking through the forest the player discovers pages and sees glimpses of a creature hunting them.
Slender: The 8 pages
The Strait of Malacca is located between these two countries
Indonesia and Malaysia