Board of Directors
BOD Meetings
BOD Voting
BOD Duties

What does the board of directors do?

Manage and direct the management of the corporation's buisness and affairs

May a director recieve compensation for serving as a director?



What must be present for a directors acts at a meeting to be valid?

A quorum must be present at the meeting


What two duties do a director owe a corporation? How does a director discharge such duty?

A duty of care and a duty of loyalty. 

- by acting in good faith and in a manner the director reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the corporation


What are the two kinds of stock, a corporation must have

Entitles one to vote on matters of corporate governance and stock that represent the basic ownership interest in a corporation

Both = common stock 

Stock having preference over other stock in regards to distribution is referred to as preferred stock. 


How does a Director get selected?

Shareholders elect directors at an annual shareholder meeting and be elected by straight or cumulative voting and by one or more classes of stock.


When can a regular meeting allowed to be held? Must notice be given?

May be held without notice of the date, time, place, or purpose of the meeting. 


What constitutes a quorum?

Unless spoken to by the articles or bylaws, a majority of directors in office constitutes a quorum at the time that the vote is taken


What is the business judgment rule?

The business judgment rule is a rebuttable presumption that a director reasonably believed that his actions were in the corporation's best interest. A court generally will not interfere with the business judgment of a director without showing fraud, illegality, or conflict of interest.


Who or what authorizes stock?

The corporation or Articles


How long does a director serves? What is the exception? When does their term expire? 

A director serves for a one-year term except a director may serve for longer than one year if the terms are staggered.

- expires at the first annual meeting after the directors election.


When can a special meeting allowed to be held? Must notice be given? What is not required in the notice?

A director is entitled to two days' notice of the date, time, and place of a special meeting. The purpose of the meeting is not required. 


What is a voting agreement and is it enforceable?

An agreement between directors as to how to vote is unenforceable


How can one overcome the business judgment rule?

by showing the director:

-did not act in good faith

- was not informed to the extent that the director reasonably believed necessary

- failed to timely investigate a matter of significant material concern


What is a stock subscription? Is it revocable?

Prior to incorporation, persons may subscribe to purchase stock from the corporation when it comes into existence

A pre-incorporation subscription is irrevocable for six months from the date of subscription but can be revoked if all subscribers agree to it.


Who, Why and How can a Director be removed?

Shareholders have the inherent power to remove a director 

Directors may only be removed for cause based on substantial grounds, such as a breach of a fiduciary duty, fraud, or criminal conduct. 

A directive may be removed only at a meeting called for the purpose of removing the director and the meeting notice must state that removal is at least one of the purposes of the meeting


Can a director waive notice, if so, how?

- any time by signed written waiver

- attending the meeting and not promptly objecting to lack of notice


May director vote by proxy?



How does a director breach the duty of loyalty?

by placing their own interest before those of the corporation


What is a distribution?

the transfer of cash or other property from a corporation to one or more of its shareholders.

What is the right to inspect? Can a director seek a court order to enforce this right?

A director is entitled to inspect and copy corporate books, records, and other documents for any purpose related to the performance of his duty to his director. 

- Yes


May a BOD act without holding a meeting?

Yes, by unanimous written consent 


What does upsurping a corporate opportunity mean?

A director violates his duty of loyalty by taking a corporate opportunity rather than first offering the opportunity to the corporation


What is a the safe harbor rule? And what are the safe harbor rules

A BOD conflicts of interest transaction may still be protected if: 

- disclosure of all material facts to BOD or shareholders 

approval by a majority of BOD or shareholders without conflicting interests

AND fairness of the transaction to the corp at the time of commencement.


Who has the power to authorize distribution? When can a shareholder compel the BOD to authorize a distribution?


When the BOD acts in bad faith and abuses its discretion by refusing to declare a distribution. 
