What FM cover Holistic Health & Fitness?
FM 7-22
What regulation and chapter cover SHARP?
AR 600-20 CHAPTER 7
What regulation covers counseling?
ATP 6-22
What regulation covers Land Navigation
FM 3-25.26
What regulation cover military appearance ?
AR 670-1
What are the domains of holistic health and fitness ?
physical, mental, spiritual, nutritional and sleep.
What are the 2 types of reporting for sexual assault?
restricted & unrestricted
What are the 3 categories of developmental counseling?
Performance, Event Oriented, Professional
What is a MAP ?
A graphic representation of the earth surface drawn to scale as seeing from above.
What is the authorized fingernail length for females?
1/4 inch
what are the 2 PRT formations ?
Extended rectangular formation and circular formation
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
What form is used for counselings ?
DA FORM 4856
What are the 3 different types of North ?
magnetic, true, grid
What does each service strip represent on the dress uniform ?
3 years of honorable service
What is the body comprised of ?
water, minerals, fat , protein
Identify the need, Prepare the counseling, Conduct the counseling, Follow up
What does Black, Blue, and Brown represent in a Map ?
Black- Man made features
Blue- Water features
Brown -Help depict elevation, relief, contour lines
What are the 4 badges that can be worn in a military unfirom ?
Marksmanship, Combat/Special skill, identification badges, foreign badges
muscular strength, hypertrophy, muscular endurance, aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance and power.
What are the 5 techniques of dealing with Sexual Harassment ?
Direct Approach, Indirect, Third Party, Chain of command, Filing a formal complaint
What are the characteristics of effective counseling ?
Purpose, Flexibility, Respect, Communication, Support
How many mils are in one degree?
In what situation are soldiers not required to wear headgear in uniform ?
when it would interfere with safe operations with motor vehicle, indoors, when attending social event after retreat