All licensed premises shall contain no less than how many square feets ?
350 Square feet of space
What are 3 things applicants for licenses must be ?
Of good moral character,At least 17 years age,Be free of communicable,contagious or infectious disease.
All licensed must be signed and have a _____?
Current photo attached.
A student registered in a licensed school must submit what?
They must submit a from three times.
What are the sanitation requirements for licensees regarding the cleaning of implements and tools?
All licensee's shall sanitize all implements and tools by cleaning thoroughly with a mild alkaline detergent
The E.P.L shall hold a beautician,barber,cosmetology license and have how many year experience?
Three years experience
All applicants seeking a cosmetology/hairstylist license must ?
Demonstrate completion of High School or equivalent and also completion of 1200 hours of instruction in licensed school.
When do all salons and school licenses expire?
July 31st every year
When does a cosmetology student need a doctor's signature?
A cosmetology student needs a doctor's signature upon completing 600 hours in Cosmetology, 300 hours in Skin Care, or 150 hours in Manicuring.
When cleaning and disinfecting implements and tools to meet what regulatory standards?
To remove any soil, blood, or any foreign material, with a chemical disinfectant registered by the E.P.A labeled as being tuberculosis or processing all implements and tools in an autoclave registered by the F.D.A, allowing tools to dry and stored in a clean draw.
What should a person intending to open a shop shall do ?
Shall write to the State Board for Rules and Regulation.
An applicant seeking a Skin care License must demonstrate how many hours?
600 hours of instruction in a licensed school
If a license is renewed within six months following the expiration, an application shall be submitted to who ?
To the Board accompanied by a fee determined by the Board.
What are the conditions for using a student permit for employment in a licensed shop?
The student permit is only valid while the student is attending school and allows them to be employed in a licensed shop during hours they are not registered in school, where they can perform services on paying clients.
What is the rod-shaped bacteria?
Shops shall display a permanent sign indicating what?
Indicating the name of the shop,clearly visible to the public from the exterior of the shop.
An applicant seeking a Manicurist licensed must demonstrate how many hours?
300 hours of instruction in a licensed school.
Applications for renewal submitted more than six months after the expiration of a license shall be accompanied by?
A fee determined by the Board.
What are the requirements for retaking a Board exam if a student fails, and how many times can an applicant retake the exam before payment is required?
If a student fails, only the part failed must be taken over. An applicant may retake the exam (or part) two times before payment is required.
Non-pathogenic bacteria are?
Harmless to humans and can be beneficial
Manicuring shop (E.P.L) holds a manicurist ______ and have ______ years experience as a Skin Care Specialist.
Manicure license
Three years of experience as a manicurist.
An applicant seeking a Teacher licensed must have?
Good moral character, have 6 months experience in a licensed shop. And Demonstrate completion of 500 hours of instruction in licensed school by the Board.
What is the initial license fee?
How long is a student permit valid, and when does it expire during the licensure process?
The permit shall remain Valid for 120 days and shall expire upon receipt of a newly issued license as a question
What is used to sanitize metallic implements?
70% alcohol