Harrison Ford starred in this iconic movie series, where he played a smuggler.
What is Star Wars
This hand is the highest scoring hand in poker.
What is a Royal Flush
This river in Africa is one of the most important rivers in history, famous for its crocodiles and fertile soil, the Egyptians would not have been the same without it.
What is The Nile River
This series of Ford Truck is the most sold truck in the world
What is Ford F-Series
Considered lucky to find a 4 leaf variant, this plant gives its likeness to denote the suit of clubs.
What is Clover
This ocean is home to the Titanic shipwreck and accounts for roughly 29% of all the Earth's water.
What is the Atlantic Ocean
This company recently hired Harrison Ford to appear in one of their commercials.
Even though his name was Ford.
This collectable card game was launched by Konami in 1999 and has since grown in popularity.
"You've activated my trap card!"
What is Yu-Gi-Oh
This country is home to the most natural lakes in the world.
What is Canada
Harrison Ford's character held this position in the movie Air Force One.
What is the President of the United States
These are the chances of drawing either a 5 OR a diamond from a standard deck of 52 cards?
what is 16/52 ?
This continent was named around the 1890s, and is derived from the Greek words for against/anti and bears (roughly).
What is Antartica
In the movie The Fugitive, Harrison Ford plays a doctor framed for the murder of his wife. This actor played the antagonizing US Marshall in charge of hunting down Ford's character.
Who is Tommy Lee Jones
Before it was called "Jack" it was called this, often depicts an aristocrat or courier. Also called a "bower".
What is Knave
This mountain is the tallest mountain in continental United States.
what is Mount McKinley