These are the desk hours on Saturdays.
What is 12:00pm-6:00pm?
These are the times that you complete rounds on a Thursday night.
When is 8pm, 10pm, and 1am?
This is what happens when you smell the devil's lettuce.
What is try to pinpoint the location, call SMUPD if you are able to pinpoint the smell to three rooms, and submit an IR?
This is the number of hours that you can work outside of the Resident Assistant role.
What is a hangout?
This is the platform that hosts your desk schedule.
What is Zoomshift?
You would direct a parent to these people if they call the RAOC phone.
Who is Lauren or SMUPD (if it is an emergency).
This is where you would go if you had to shelter in place during a tornado.
Where is the basement?
This is what you should do if you fall in love with a fellow RA in our building and desire to pursue a relationship with them.
What is inform Lauren immediately?
This is what the Making Campus Home plan contributes to.
What is a thriving residential experience?
What should you do if you wake up late and realize you are missing your desk shift?
What is CALL KIEL!! Please, for the love of Goose, call Kiel.
These are the people you should call if you come across standing water in the building.
Who are Facilities and the RCDOC?
This is what you would do if you were to find bullets in a washing machine in Boaz.
What is:
1) Call SMUPD
2) Call the RCDOC or Lauren
3) Follow direction given by SMUPD and the RCDOC
4) Submit an IR
RAs are expected to submit incident reports and lockout documentation within this timeframe.
What is 24 hours?
These are the people that make up our leadership team.
Who is RAs, Peer Leaders, Macon, Daniele, and Commons Council?
This is the first thing you should do when you arrive to the VS Desk.
What is clock in on the card reader?
This is the chain of command for reporting emergency situations to RLSH professional staff while on-call.
What is RCDOC, ADRL OC, Director for Residence Life, and Dean of RLSH?
This is what you would do if the elevator broke and someone was trapped inside.
What is:
1) Call SMUPD to report someone is stuck
2) Stay close to the entrapped person and let them know help is on the way
3) Call the RCDOC or get Lauren
4) Report the broken elevator to facilities and put up out of order signage once the people are free!
RAs must balance their RA responsibilities with academics and personal life, prioritizing these three areas in a specific order.
What are family, academics, and the RA position?
As an RA, these are the things that you will focus on as a part of the Making Campus Home plan.
You will receive probation if this takes place at the desk.
What is arriving over 30 minutes late with no prior communication?
This is when you can leave the building when you are on-call.
What is between 6p-8p and 8am-12pm on Saturdays and Sundays OR during the day when 24/7 on-call is taking place?
This is what you would do if the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night and Lauren was out of town?
What is:
1) Prioritize your own safety
2) Knock on doors as you evacuate the building
3) Go to our evacuation site and call the RCDOC
4) Wait for SMUPD to clear the building
This federal law prohibits RAs from sharing resident information, including room and building locations, with unauthorized individuals.
What is FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)?
This group is responsible for the learn pillar in the making campus home plan.
Who are the Peer Leaders and/or Jack?