In what book did kids have a different bus driver for their field trip; he was big, gray haired and mushroom colored?
Small Spaces (p61)
In what book do parents meet to learn about school options and also find out that natural gas supplies will run out soon?
Life As We Knew It
In what book do little girls enjoy the stories of King Arthur?
In what book is the word "sushi" crossed out and replaced with "chocolate chip cookies"?
Full Cicada Moon (p193)
In what book do a mother and daughter promise to be honest with each other?
Roller Girl
In what book does a girl feel that her home is boring?
Borders (p99)
In what book does the main character refer to his parents as Amma and Abba?
Yusuf Azeem is Not a Hero (throughout)
In what book is holly protection from evil when put over a door or window?
Dark is Rising (p78)
In what book do characters say that between them they have three legs, two good arms and one brain?
Two Degrees (p206)
In what book did kids have to go to Sunday School on Saturday?
Yusuf Azeem is Not a Hero (p36)
In what book are the words that traveled around the world, issued from the Sea of Tranquility?
Full Cicada Moon (p213)
In what book are the Romulans and Klingons used as an example of a successful treaty?
Operation Do-Over (p41)
In what book does a character envision a trip for clothes shopping as a fiery inferno, complete with red demons and pitchforks?
Roller Girl
In what book does a character voluntarily starve to death?
Life as we Knew It
In what book is the refrain to a character’s lucky song, “Always something there to remind me”?
Red, White, and Whole (p87)
In what book is a character described as someone who “knew how to find the line. Dance right on top of it. Tip his hat”?
Season of Styx Malone (p94)
In what book are yards compared to the shirts you choose to put on in the morning?
Nature's Best Hope (60/61 ebook)
In what book did a character meet a new friend by hitting him with an overripe pomegranate?
The Blackthorn Key (p129)
In what book does a character talk about kvetching and grepsing?
In what book does a character say she is "knackered"?
City Spies (p98)
In what book did a man describe his phone as "the heart of the family"?
House Arrest
In what book are a character's mannerisms, style, interests, and behaviors repeatedly judged to be "unnatural"?
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (267-274, 337)
In what book is a father’s job described as, “like a wedding planner, but for Jesus”?
Simon Sort of Says
In what book is a character’s favorite song "The Farmer in March"?
A Night Divided (p10)
In what book does a boy get angry because someone was filming him with their phone?
Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus (p198)