In what book do students witness a bank heist?
City Spies (189)
In what book do the characters hunt tarantulas at night with no luck?
Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus (167)
In what book are there auditions for the school play, The Wizard of Oz?
Insignificant Events in the life of a Cactus (145-146)
In what book did a character say she would rather have cavities filled by the dentist than go clothes shopping?
Roller Girl
In what book does a character consider ripping up an intake form for a facility?
House Arrest
In what book does the author draw parallels between early Muslims and modern day Muslims?
Yusuf Azeem is Not a Hero (151)
In what book is the town divided into two sides: Team Science and Team Farm?
Simon Sort of Says (21)
In what book did a character find a note that said "You suck" in his locker?
Yusuf Azeem is Not a Hero (p1)
In what book does a character get frightened three times, with the third time ending up with the skylight crashing in?
The Dark is Rising (15)
In what book does a baseball sign for Run Home have a special meaning between a character and her father?
In what book are a girl and her horse reunited in a swimming pool?
Two Degrees
In what book is a character blessed to have a friend that no matter how ludicrous a scheme he came up with his friend would be right there beside him?
Blackthorn Key
In what book did it take a girl 3 hours to get to town?
Life as we Knew it
In what book is the character intrigued by the friendly and elusive salesman?
Season of Styx Malone (55)
In what book do characters sit outside under the stars telling their stories?
Borders (136)
In what book was someone disowned by family for marrying outside of his race?
Full Cicada Moon (236)
In what book does a family celebrate the festival of lights in autumn?
Red White & Whole (85)
In what book were there only three people who remembered what actually happened?
Small Spaces (213)
In what book do numerous emails go unanswered?
House Arrest
In what book is the key for the gun cabinet kept behind a portrait?
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
In what book do they compare the crisscrossing of tree roots to people holding hands?
Nature's Best Hope (205)
In what book did a girl read almost everything in the library?
A Night Divided (Chapter 11)
In what book is the someone surprised by what he discovered on the High Line in New York City?
Nature's Best Hope (193)
In what book does a character become someone’s butler for the day?
Operation Do-Over (195)
In what book does the character say, “To each other, we’re everybody that matters“?
Operation Do-Over (9)