In what book is a student arrested because of a virtual cat in his backpack?
Yusuf Azeem is not a Hero (286-297)
In what book do characters build an Infinity Mirror?
Operation Do-Over (161)
In what book does a character paint as part of his therapy?
Yusuf Azeem is Not a Hero (110)
In what book were friendships with the servants forbidden?
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
In what book does a boy describe his mom as a "Mom-shaped lock"?
House Arrest
In what book are "Motherisms" used to help a team remember key principles of their work?
City Spies (72, 85, 119, 176, 197, 236)
In what book did some boys trade a lawn mower for some Harley Davidson memorabilia?
Season of Styx Malone (Chapter 38)
In what book does a character blog a list of 20 things needed to survive middle school?
Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus (237)
In what book is the flooding so bad that it reaches the second floor of a house and then starts moving the whole house?
Two Degrees (127)
In what book is aspiring to be an astronaut laughed at?
Full Cicada Moon (35)
In what book are cats useful because they can go between worlds?
Small Spaces (198)
In what book does a group of kids at a camp work on the skill of falling?
Roller Girl (60)
In what book does someone believe a squirrel has committed blasphemy?
Simon Sort of Says (75)
In what book does a character say his favorite Star Wars movie is The Empire Fights Back because “It’s about learning to be a hero in spite of the fact that your dad is the most evil guy in the universe”?
Red White & Whole (61)
In what book is being the 7th son of a 7th son said to bring on "second sight, or whatever it is they say"?
The Dark is Rising (165)
In what book is the last line in a message "Tell no one"?
The Blackthorn Key (139)
In what book is it realized that there will always be something new to worry about, something never thought of before that will ultimately cause a problem?
Simon Sort of Says (114)
In what book does Mom take the family to a supermarket for a huge shopping spree?
Life as We Knew It
In what book does a character smash someone’s phone to save a friendship?
Operation Do-Over (273)
In what book did a mom tell her son stories about the sky and stars?
Borders (ebook 147)
In what book is a single hair removed and used later to ensnare someone?
The Dark is Rising (163)
In what book is "Family Ties" a family’s favorite TV show?
Red White & Whole (89)
In what book is there a garden in the sky built on an abandoned elevated rail structure?
Nature's Best Hope (193)
In what book does the character create an ad campaign promoting a way to do your chores faster?
Roller Girl (88)
In what book do sheets seem to get dirtier each time they are washed?
A Night Divided (170)