Are we allowed to eat or drink (expect for water) in the building?
What are our four agreements?
We are mindful. We are responsible. We are respectful. We are compassionate.
Name one restorative justice practice at our school?
Repairs, restorative circles ( community meetings), or Co-constructed logical consequences.
What needs to be completed FIRST before using the hall pass? (besides asking for permission)
1. Must ask the Hall Pass Monitor and ask to complete the DIGITAL hall pass.
2. Students should sign out on the paper sheet.
What animal is Cal Creative mascot?
We will act responsibly by ____________ any harm caused by our words and actions
What is the definition of respectful?
We act in a way that honors the perspectives of those around us.
Name one POSITIVE consequence?
verbal praise, golden ticket, feeling good about your success, award recipient, life-long learning, pride
Are we allowed to eat or drink in the building?
What is our motto when cleaning up?
Leave it better than your found it.
The A in STAR means
Ask clarifying questions
What is the definition of responsible?`
We do what we are expected to do and accept the consequences of our actions.
Name one NEGATIVE consequence
Verbal reminder, reflection/ loss of privileges, phone call home, restorative justice circle, stress, referral to school administration, review decision-making process.
How should we walk through the hallways?
Name one effective learner characteristic
Balanced, thinker, risk taker, principled, communicator, knowledgeable, caring, open minded, reflective, inquirer.
We will abide by all school classroom _______ and __________
rules. norms.
Name one thing that breaks the dress code policy
Inappropriate logos, messages or graphics. Cut out tank tops/ muscle shirts. Crop tops. Flip flops. Ripped jeans that have holes above your mid-thigh.
Why is restorative justice important?
You are taking accountability/ownership of a mistake and repairing the harm done to the community.
When should you use the restroom?
Before school, bio-break transitions, snack, lunch, after school
What happens to a enriched neuron?
It produces thicker and more numerous dendrites.
What is the consequence of damaging your computer of calculator?
If damages are significant, student will be asked to pay for damages or replace the device. Access can be restricted until damages are paid for.
What are our core values?
Interconnectedness. Equity. Stewardship. Mindfulness. Curiosity.
What happens when you are caught using your cellphone for the 3rd time?
Call home. Device is kept in the front office until guardian picks it up from the front office.
What is the 15 minute rule?
You may not be dismissed from the room 15 minutes at the beginning of class or 15 before the end of class.
Finish our school motto.
You are my ________. I am who __________........
You are my other me. I am who I am because of who we are.