What is Personal Hygiene?
The practice of keeping your body clean and groomed.
What are 5 important reasons for skin care?
Protecting and hydrating your skin, Preventing skin cancer, Preparing your skin for aging, Improving skin appearance, Improving mental health
What is exercise?
Activity requiring physical effort.
What is the PROPER amount of sleep for an adult?
What is stress management?
Techniques and strategies to help people deal with stress.
What happens to our bodies when we don't wash regularly?
Skin may become dry, irritated, or itchy
What is nail care?
The practice of maintaining and caring for your nails and the skin around them
What is the definition of Diet?
The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
What are two things that you can benefit from with the right amount of sleep?
Physical and mental health
What happens to our skin when we don't shower?
It becomes dry, irritated, and itchy.
How many dreams can you have in one night?
4 to 7 times each and every night.
What is the average time to fall asleep?
10-20 minutes
What is the fear of sleep called?