What is important about our voice while we are speaking with others?
The tone. The tone can let someone know if you are being sarcastic, are not interested, are angry, etc.
What should you do if you notice someone turning their foot away from you while speaking?
If someone is looking up with their eyes, what does that typically mean?
It usually means they are trying to think of what they are wanting to say/looking for an answer to something.
What happens with our eyes when we tell a lie?
a. We narrow our eyes
b. Our pupils dilate/get larger
c. We look down
Our pupils dilate. This is because we are looking to see if the other person believed us
What do people often do with their arms that comes across as defensive?
Cross their arms
As a listener, what should we do when someone brings their hands together while speaking?
Words make up what percentage of our communication?
a. 92%
b. 4%
c. 50%
What is 94% of our communication made up of?
Body Language
About how many words are held in our mind while we are trying to speak?
If I have one foot facing away from a speaker while they are talking to me, what does that often mean?
It usually means I'm not really listening and am thinking about something else, or that I would like to leave the conversation.