Body parts located near the sacral region of the spinal column(as the also know "tail") toward the feet.
What is another name word for posterior?
Contain the brain.
Cranial Cavity
Located in the chest.(term for this cavity)
Thoracic Cavity
What does the term Hypothyroid mean
The thyroid is underactive
Body parts located near the head.
Body part away from the midline.
It contains the spinal cord.(body cavity)
Spinal cavity
The nose structures. (term for this cavity)
Nasal Cavity
What does the abbreviation PRN mean
Whenever necessary, at lib
Below; under
Divides the body into a front section and a back section.
Frontal plane
Name 2 of the 3 body cavities in the front of the body. (Located in the ventral cavity)
Thoracic, abdominal, pelvic
Mouth and teeth and tongue.(Term for this cavity)
Buccal Cavity/oral
Contains the urinary bladder,the reproductive organs
Pelvic Cavity
Body parts located above other body parts
This term is the plane that describes the front of the body.
Ventral or anterior. Frontal or Coronal
Spaces within the body that contain vital organs. (Term used)
Body Cavity
The term for the cavity of the eyes?
Orbital Cavity
What does the abbreviation ROM
Range of Motion
I injured the distal part of the left lateral aspect of my leg (describe the body part)
outside part of the left leg (near ankle)
Is the heart superior or inferior in relation to the stomach?
One long continuous cavity located on the back of the body, divided into sections.
Dorsal Cavity/Posterior
How many sections can the abdominal cavity be separated into? And you must name one of the sections.
four or nine. RUQ< LUQ< RLQ LLQ or iliac, Hypochondriac, Lumbar, Epigastric, Umbilical
Name 3 organs in Thoracic cavity
Lungs, Heart, esophagus, trachea, bronchi,