Horizontal plane that divides the body into a top half and bottom half.
What is Transverse Plane?
Body parts on the front of the body.
What is Ventral or Anterior?
The abdomen is divided into 4 ___________.
What is Quadrants?
Plane that divides the body into right and left sides.
What is Midsagittal or Medial Plane?
Contains the esophagus, trachea, bronchi, lungs, heart, and large blood vessels.
What is Thoracic Cavity?
Region on the left side below the ribs.
What is Left Hypochondriac?
A state of balance within the body.
What is Homeostasis?
Cavity divided into two sections, upper and lower.
What is Abdominal cavity?
A suffix that refers to a procedure that uses a tool to examine or study the inside of the body.
What is -scopy?
Body parts on the back of the body.
What is Dorsal or Posterior?
The cavity that contains the reproductive organs.
What is Pelvic?
Region on the right side near the groin.
What is Right Iliac Region?
The body's anatomy is said to be in this body orientation or specific stance.
What is Anatomical Position?
The diaphragm divides the _______ and ______ cavities.
What is the Thoracic and Abdominal?
Organizational levels from most complex to simplest.
What is organism, organ system, organs, tissues, and cells?