The basic unit of all living things
What is a cell
Space inside the skull containing the brain
What is cranial cavity
What is green
Above, excessive
What is hyper-
Pertaining to
What is -al, -ic, -ous
The gel-like fluid inside the cell
What is cytoplasm
Space containing the heart, aorta, lungs, esophagus, trachea, bronchi, and mediastinal area
What is thoracic cavity
What is blue
Study of
What is -logy
Regions within the chromosome
What is Genes
Both the pelvic and abdominal cavities
What is abdominopelvic cavity
What is black
What is pro-
What is -megaly
connects, supports, penetrates, and encases various body structures
What is connective tissue
Space inside the spinal column containing the spinal cord
What is the spinal cavity
What is yellow
Through, complete
What is dia-
What is -oid
Large internal organs contained in the body cavities, especially in the abdominal cavity
Space containing the stomach, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and ureters
What is the abdominal cavity
What is red
After, beyond, change
What is meta-
Malignant tumor
What is -sarcoma