bones make
what is a blood cells
mane purpose of the system
what is Cary oxygen and nutrients to the other cells
mane function of the system
what is helps you break down food break down food
systems that work together to get nutrients
what are the digestive and circulatory systems
purpose of this system
what is provides support
cells that are in this system
what ia a blood cell
there are this many organs in this system
what is 9 organs
systems that get oxygen to your cells
what are the circulatory and respiratory systems
biggest bone in the body
what is a femur
this system has this in it to help it fight off viruses
what are white blood cells
the organ that absorbs the nutrients
what is the small intestines
systems that work together to keep you safe
what are the skeletal and integumentary
there are just this mane bones in the human body
what is 206 bones
the tube that transports the blood
what are veins and arteries
true or false it takes 8 hours for food to go through this system
what is true
systems that help you get rid of waste
what are the circulatory and the excretory systems
number of bones in the human spine
what is 33 bones
mane organ in this system
what is the heart
the acid in the stomach
what is gastric acid
systems that allow you to run
what are the respiratory,circulatory,muscular,and skeletal systems