What do fishes use to breathe underwater?
The organ amphibians use for breathing when they are young and live in water.
This tough, overlapping structure protects a reptile's skin
Birds' mouth is called
The fin that helps a fish steer and maintain balance
Tail fin
Name this stage of frog's life cycle
How many chambers are found in most reptile hearts?
The birds' organs that store extra air in.
Air sacs
What is the name of the gas-filled organ that helps fish control their buoyancy?
Swim bladder
How many loops are there in amphibians circulatory system?
This is the term for an animal whose body temperature changes with its surroundings.
cold - blooded
Extension of a gullet (esophagus) where food is stored
How does blood circulation occur in fishes?
through a single circulation, because they have two-chambered heart
What is the amphibians' heart like?
Here venom of snakes is produced
Venom gland
This is the bird's digestive organ that grinds food with the help of grit.
How a fish's lateral line helps it survive?
The lateral line helps fish detect vibrations and pressure changes in the water, allowing them to sense prey, predators, and obstacles even in murky water.
The process amphibians undergo where they change from a juvenile form to an adult form.
These organs are highly developed in snakes, allowing them to detect vibrations and sense prey.
Internal ear
These feathers are essential for steering and braking during flight.
Tail feathers