circulatory system
what is the function to circulate nutrients,gases(O2 & CD), hormones and other necessary through the blood which then get delivered to cells
respiratory system
what is the exchange gases between the atmosphere and the blood?
digestive system
what is breaking down food and absorb nutrients into the blood stream
the function of the Endocrine system
What is composed of many organs/glands that produces and secretes hormones?
The function of the nervous system
What is to sense and respond to stimuli inside and outside of the body?
what is the compstiton of blood
the blood is both a fluid and tissue the contains red blood,white blood cells,platelets and plasma
what is the physical process you inhale and exhale air of in and out your lungs
what is physically breaking down food?
different shapes
what is different functions for each hormone?
what is a nerve cell?
what is the function of the heart
the heart is the muscle that pumps blood to the rest of the body
what is the chemical reaction where oxygen is used to break down glucose in order to create ATP?
what is breaking down food into simple nutrients
what does the endocrine produce?
the endocrine system hormones to the circular system is responsible for transporting the hormones to the target cell.
The synapse
What is space between two neurons where a signal is carried using neurotransmitters?
what is carrying oxygen rich blood away from the heart
gas exchange
what is when gas exchange happen in alveolus through the process of diffusion?
nutrient absorption
what is the diffusion of nutrients getting absorbed into the blood stream,and transported through the body by circulatory?
target cell
what is a cell that have receptors a hormone?
The Neurotransmitters
what are chemicals that send signals from one neuron to another across synapses
carry oxygen poor blood towards the heart
what do the respiratory bring
the respiratory brings oxygen which is needed by cells to create ATP through respiration
what the order of the digstive
1. mouth
2. esophagus
5.small intestine/large intestine
what is a chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulants the activity of certain cells or organs?
2 part
what is central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.