What is the function of the Circulatory System?
Transports materials around the body through the blood
What is the function of the Respiratory System?
Exchanges gases like O2 and CO2
What is the function of the Digestive System?
Breaks down and absorbs nutrients like glucose
What is the function of the Endocrine System?
Makes and secretes hormones
What is the function of the Nervous System?
Sense and respond to stimuli
What is the Major Organ?
The heart.
What is breathing?
The physical process where you inhale and exhale air in and out of your lungs.
Where does digestion start?
The mouth
What are hormones?
Chemical messengers that are produced in the body.
What is a Neuron?
A nerve cell
What is the hearts function?
Its the muscle that pumps blood to the rest of the body
What is Respiration?
Chemical Reaction where O2 is used to break down glucose in order to create ATP
What does the Esophagus do?
Connects pharynx and stomach moves food to stomach through peristalsis
What do hormones do?
They help regulate and control the activity of certain cells/organs.
What is stimuli?
A thing or event that evokes specific functional reactions in an organ or tissue
What is Homeostasis?
Internal Stability.
What does the body require and why?
Oxygen to make ATP
What does your liver do?
Filters out harmful substances or wastes, turning some of the waste into more bile.
What is a Receptor Molecule?
Specifically shaped protein molecule in the cell membrane that receives a chemical message from other cells.
What are the parts of a Neuron?
Dendrite (start), axon, axon terminal (end)
What happens in the Circulatory System when you exercise?
Your heart beats faster to supply your cells with more oxygen and glucose to produce more ATP.
How do the Circulatory and the Respiratory maintain homeostasis?
O2 diffuses in the blood and is carried throughout the body through the Circulatory system
What is Nutrient Absorption?
Nutrients are inside of the small intestine which are diffused back into the bloodstream.
How do the Endocrine System and the Circulatory System work together?
The Endocrine System produces hormones and the Circulatory System transports around the body to the target cells.
What is synapse?
Space between two neurons where signal is carried using neurotransmitters