Body Organization
Muscle Structure
Muscle Function
The Nervous System

Which level of organization falls directly after the tissue level when listed in order from least to most complex?

A. organelle

B. cell

C. organ system

D. organ

D. organ


Which two structures make up the muscular system?

A. muscles and bones

B. muscles and ligaments

C. muscles and tendons

D. muscles and joints

C. muscles and tendons


Which best describes the muscular system?

A. The muscular system is made up of about 150 muscles.

B. muscular system helps in digestion and circulation.

C. The muscular system allows conduction of nerve impulses.

D. The muscular system allows for movement by pushing.

B. muscular system helps in digestion and circulation.


What is the main function of the central nervous system?

A. coordinating simple reflexes

B. processing information from stimuli

C. sensing stimuli and causing reactions in the body

D. sensing reactions and causing stimuli in the body

A. coordinating simple reflexes


Which describes the primary function of the nervous system in keeping the body in homeostasis?

A. It processes the environment and sends out signals.

B. It controls movement and provides structure.

C. It physically breaks down and absorbs food.

D. It puts oxygen in the blood, which is essential for life.

A. It processes the environment and sends out signals.


Which level of organization is shown in the image?

A. cell

B. tissue

C. organ

D. organ system

B. tissue


What is the main component of the thin filaments in muscle fibers and is responsible for muscle contraction?

A. actin

B. myosin



What is the main component of the thin filaments in muscle fibers and is responsible for muscle contraction?

A. actin

B. myosin




Which of the following actions involves voluntary muscle movement?

A. movement of food through the digestive tract

B. movement of blood through the blood vessels

C. beating of the heart

D. making of faces

D. making of faces


Which part of the autonomic system is most likely to be dominant while someone is napping after lunch?

A. the peripheral nervous system

B. the sympathetic nervous system

C. the somatic nervous system

D. the parasympathetic nervous system

D. the parasympathetic nervous system


Which organ systems work together to help the body shiver in order to maintain homeostasis?

A. circulatory and respiratory

B. nervous and muscular

C. circulatory and muscular

D. respiratory and nervous

B. nervous and muscular


Which group contains only organs in a human body?

A. heart, brain, skin

B. skin, blood, neuron

C. neuron, heart, stomach

D. stomach, blood, brain

A. heart, brain, skin


How does the structure of cardiac muscle help it perform its function?

A. Its spindle-shaped cells allow it to do smooth movements.

B. Its striations allow for big movements.

C. Its discs allow it to coordinate movement with other cells.

D. Its multinucleated cells allow it to trigger involuntary actions.

C. Its discs allow it to coordinate movement with other cells.


What functions does the muscular system perform?

A. It provides stability, movement, and posture.

B. It generates and conducts electrical signals.

C. It produces melanin, which protects from the sun.

D. It produces oil, which protects from foreign invasion.

A. It provides stability, movement, and posture.


Which person’s function in a school is similar to the central nervous system’s role in a human body?

A. a cafeteria worker

B. a student

C. a principal

D. a bus driver

C. a principal


The body obtains sugar from food. Which system most directly affects blood sugar levels?

A. respiratory

B. muscular

C. circulatory

D. digestive

D. digestive

Remember the blood sugar is part of maintaining homeostasis in the body.


The lungs, nose, and trachea are organs of the respiratory system. Which best describes these organs?

A. They deliver nutrients to the other tissues.

B. They deliver oxygen to the blood.

C. They are both used for support.

D. They help break down food.

B. They deliver oxygen to the blood.


Categorize the following: intestinal muscles, heart muscles, hand muscles, and neck muscles.

A. Intestinal and neck muscles are skeletal muscles; heart and hand muscles are smooth muscles.

B. Heart and neck muscles are long and slender; hand and intestinal muscles are spindle shaped.

C. Intestinal and heart muscles are involuntary muscles; hand and neck muscles are voluntary muscles.

D. Heart and intestinal muscles allow for big movements; hand and neck muscles allow for smooth movements.

C. Intestinal and heart muscles are involuntary muscles; hand and neck muscles are voluntary muscles


What is the function of the type of muscle that is pictured below?

A. support and movement of the skeleton

B. movement of food through the digestive system

C. contraction and relaxation of the heart

D. generation and conduction of electrical signals

B. movement of food through the digestive system


How will Richard’s body react when a friend jumps in front of him and scares him?

A. Richard’s central nervous system will take over, and his peripheral nervous system will play a lesser role.

B. Richard’s peripheral nervous system will take over, and his central nervous system will play a lesser role.

C. Richard’s sympathetic nervous system will take over, and his parasympathetic nervous system will play a lesser role.

D. Richard’s parasympathetic nervous system will take over, and his sympathetic nervous system will play a lesser role.

C. Richard’s sympathetic nervous system will take over, and his parasympathetic nervous system will play a lesser role.


A teacher makes the analogy that stem cell research did for medicine what the Internet did for communication. What is meant by this analogy?

A. Stem cells allow for communication between cells.

B. Stem cell research led to a huge leap in medical science.

C. Stem cell research led to a setback in medical science.

D. Stem cell information is stored in databases online.

B. Stem cell research led to a huge leap in medical science.


Which lists three living units of the human body in order from the simplest to the most complex level of organization? 

A. red blood cell → circulatory system → blood

B. nervous system → nerves → brain

C. red blood cell → heart tissue → circulatory system

D. bone tissue → skeletal system → bone

C. red blood cell → heart tissue → circulatory system


Which best describes the top and bottom images of muscle contraction?

A. The top image is in step 2, and the bottom image is in step 1.

B. The top image is in step 1, and the bottom image is in step 3.

C. Both images are in step 1.

D. Both images are in step 3.

B. The top image is in step 1, and the bottom image is in step 3.


In which step of a muscle contraction is the sacromere the longest?

A. step 1

B. step 2

C. step 3

D. step 4

A. step 1


Which injury would likely cause the body to permanently lose the ability to perform simple reflexes? 

A. damage to the nerve cells in the spinal cord

B. a muscle tear in the leg

C. the death of a single neuron in the body

D. harm to a nerve in the skin

A. damage to the nerve cells in the spinal cord


Once the body has begun shivering, what happens to make it stop shivering?

A. When body temperature returns to normal, the respiratory system sends a message to the skeletal system to stop shivering.

B. When body temperature returns to normal, the nervous system sends a message to the muscular system to stop shivering.

C. When body temperature is below normal, the nervous system sends a message to the skeletal system to stop shivering.

D. When body temperature is below normal, the respiratory system sends a message to the muscular system to stop shivering.

B. When body temperature returns to normal, the nervous system sends a message to the muscular system to stop shivering.
