to eat in a café or restaurant
go out for a meal
розмовляти з друзями
e.g. I *** on WhatsApp.
chat with friends
рано лягати спати
e.g. I have to get up early, so I try to *** .
go to bed early
caring only about yourself
e.g. She never thinks of anyone but herself - she's totally *****.
the way a person or group of people live
Regular exercise is part of a healthy *****.
to go to a large park with many special machines that you can ride on
go to an amusement park
читати новини
e.g. I often *** about video games.
read news
пізно лягати спати
e.g. I am always tired in the morning because I *** .
go to bed late
very unhappy or uncomfortable
We were cold, hungry and felt ****.
making air, water, dirty
Cars cause air *****.
to visit members of your family
see my relatives
публікувати коментарі у соцмережах
e.g. I sometimes ***.
post comments on social media
готуватися до тестів
e.g. Helen is a good student. She always *** .
study for tests
допитливий, цікавий
wanting to know about something
Children are naturally ******.
to finish doing or making something
In this game, you need to ****** a special mission
to spend time at some place with some people
hang out with my friends
ділитися відео та фотографіями
I *** on Instagram.
share videos and pictures
e.g. Lessons start at 8.30. Helen comes at 8.55. She *** .
be late
happy and positive
He felt ***** and smiled a lot.
a way in which people or things are not like each other
There are some important ***** between PC gaming and console gaming.
go to a show of paintings, photographs, or other objects
go to an exhibition
шукати інформацію
e.g. I *** on the Internet.
look up information
приходити вчасно
e.g. Lessons start at 9.00. Richard comes at 8.55. He *** .
be on time
sure that you can do things well
After he won the tournament he felt very *****.
to make something happen, especially something bad
The heavy rain has ***** serious problems on the roads.