What is the Nile river?

The longest river in the world, from Egypt to Sudan. 


What is gold?

A very precious and rare yellow metal used in jewelry, coins and electronics 


What is the Earth’s crust?

It is the Earth’s outermost layer, made of solid rock


What is a mammal?

A warm blood animal who give birth to LIVE youngs, and produce milk


Why can we see the moon at night?

The moon doesnt make its own light, it reflects light from the sun.


What makes Australia unique?

The only country in the world that is also a continent, and a wide range of climates and wildlife


What is an Atom?

It is the smallest unit of matter.


what is erosion?

the process of soil and rocks being worn away by wind or water.


What is a reptile?

Cold blooded animals with scales. Usually live in dry areas and lay eggs


Why does the sun look bigger then other stars?

The sun is much closer to Earth then most stars, so it looks bigger and brighter


What is the Sahara?

The biggest desert on Earth, hot and dry, because it is near the equator


What is the periodic table?

It is a chart that organizes all chemical elements


Why some places have earthquakes and some don’t?

Earthquakes occur along the border of tectonic plates, so there are more along theses borders, and less in places far from theses junctions


Why do some animal have stripes or spots?

It helps animal blend in to their surrounding environment (camouflage) or confuse predators


Why do we have days and nights?

Earth spins on an axis, so different part of the planet take turns facing the sun


What are the Ural mountains?

They divide russia and asia


What is a chemical reaction?

It is when substances interact with each other and firm new substances with different properties


Why are some mountains tall and pointy, and others round and short?

Tall mountains are young so they have not had time to erode. Older and smaller mountains have been worn down by wind and water for millions of years


Why do some animals play “dead”?

It is a way to protect themselves against predators as most predators do not eat dead animals.


Why does the moon change shape?

The moon looks different because we see different part of it lit by the sun as it orbits the Earth


What is the equator? 

The fictonal line seperating the north and south hemispheres. Also the hottest place on earth


Why does Soda fizz when you open the bottle?

Because it contains carbon dioxide gas (co2) under pressure that creates bubbles when the pressure is released


Why do some mountains have snow at the top, even during summer?

High altitudes are colder than low altitude areas. The air pressure is lower so it stays colder


Why do some animals sleep during the day and are up at night?

Nocturnal animals are active at night to avoid predators, hunt more easily, and stay cool in hot climates


Why do we have four seasons?

The Earth is tilted, so different parts get more or less sunlight at different times of the year.


What is the Amazon forest?

The largest tropical forest in the world, in south america, it is the biggest source of oxygen


Why dies salt melt ice on roads in winter?

Because salt lowers the freezing point of water, causing ice to melt, even if below 0 degrees


Why do we find seashells in places far from the sea?

Theses places were once covered by water millions of years ago, when the water disappeared, the shells got buried in the ground


Why do giraffes have long necks?

It helps them reach leaves that are high above in threes which other animals cannot reach.


Why does Earth look blue from space?

Earth looks blue because most of it is covered by oceans


What is the Pacific ocean?

The largest and deepest ocean in the world, between Asian and America


Why does coffee wake you up?

Because it contains caffeine which is a stimulant that blocks sleeping chemicals in your brain


Why do caves have stalactites and stalagmites?

The water that drips carries minerals which, over millions of years of years, accumulate on top of each other 


Why is it that some animals have a colorful male, and more blend female?

It is to attract females for mating, the more colorful, the more it will gain the interest if females


Why do scientists search for water on other planets?

Water is essential for life so finding water in another planet could mean there might be life there, or a place for humans to go to live


What is the Mediterranean Sea?

A large sea that connects the Atlantic ocean, europe, asia and africa


Why does your breath look like smoke in winter?

The warm moisture in your breath condenses when it meets the cold air, forming something like fog


Why do some rocks contain fossils in them?

When plants or animals get buried in sand or mud, and then slowly turn into rocks over millions of years


Why do camels have humps?

Camels store fat in their humps, which helps them survive in the desert for a long time without food.


Why is space so silent?

Because space has no air, so sound waves cannot travel.


What is the arctic?

The region around the north pole, cold and ice covered


Why does hot water clean dishes better than cold water?

Because heat breaks down fat molecules making it easier for soap to remove the grease.


Why do caves feel cold even during a hot summer?

They stay at a constant cool temperature because they are underground, where the hot sun doesn’t reach, and then slowly turn thick rocks keeps the caves insulated 


Why do octopuses squirt ink?

They release ink to escape from predators by creating a cloud that hides them while they escape.


Why does Mars look red?

Mars is covered in iron dust, which reacts with oxygen and gives it a red color, like rust


What is the dead sea? 

A saltwater lake between Jordan and Isreal


Why does aluminum foil feel cool even when coming out of the oven?

Because aluminum is a very good heat conductor, and foil is very thin so it releases the heat quickly. Unlike bigger objects


Why do some flat places have giant rocks in the middle of nowhere?

The rocks were carried by glaciers during the Ice Age and left behind when the ice melted


Why do birds fly in a ‘V’ shape when they migrate?

It helps them to save energy by reducing wind resistance and so allows them to travel long distances


Why do we a,ways see the same side of the moon?

The moon rotates at the same speed that ut orbits the Earth, so the same side is always facing us.
