Inside Memes
The Bois' Style
Good Music
Planet Hubbler Videos

The bois most commonly use this word to refer to a male reproductive appendage

What is "Peen"?


This trip resulted in the now-famous "Mouse Bean" cut

What is the Universal Trip?


Now nearly a year ago, Jeck had a dream that he lived in this mountainous town, famous for its Salmon fly fishing

What is Stanley, Idaho?


With 21 songs as of tonight, this artist has the most songs on the Good Music Playlist

Who is Gordo?


In the Planet Hubbler video "Planet Hubbler Apple Bobbing Challenge!", the bois all threw these at Bean when he lost the challenge

What are apples?


Last Spring, all the bois wanted to start training for this roughly 6 month journey

What is the Appalachian Trail?


The bois all make fun of bean for often wearing one or more of these around his neck

What is a gold chain?


The bois called the World of Wonder Park, AKA the location where the bois first met, "The _____ Park"

What is "The Castle Park"?


This Florida Georgia Line song was the first song ever added to the Good Music Playlist

What is Round Here?


The last content posted by Planet Hubbler, now over 3 years ago, is this video

What is the Extreme Pepper Challenge?


The bois had to go way the frick down the meme hole to find out that Oldham drove one of these

What is a Kia Forte?


In April of 2020, Benny tried and failed to grow one of these

What is a beard?


Back in the day, all the folks from parkday, including the bois, would go to this park with a river to meme around

What is Hurricane Shoals?


The first Gordon Lightfoot song ever added to the playlist was this song, featured in a Tim Hawkins spoof

What is "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"?


In the first ever Planet Hubbler challenge video involving Pringles, there was a 3-way tie for last place. Who was the one Hubbler that did NOT lose that challenge

Who is Benny/Billy?


Way back in the earlier Elachee days, as all the bois were going back to our cars, we would say "See you at parkday" by repeatedly saying this day of the week

What is "Friday"?


On the ski trip to West Virginia, Bean was the only one of the bois to have a terrible pair of this protective equipment

What are Goggles? 


This mountain, famous for being the Maine-End point of the Appalachian Trail was commonly mispronounced by Benny

What is Katahdin?


This Good Music song features the lyrics "The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky are also on the faces of people going by"

What is "What a Wonderful World"?


This video was the first Live-Action Skit video ever posted on Planet Hubbler

What is Finding Pedro Pt1?


The night we got back to the cabin from West Virginia, Jeck and Bean fell asleep watching literally the first 2 minutes of this sitcom TV show

What is Seinfeld? 


Back at our Dad's old house, Ivan and Jeck thought Benny or Bean left a shirt in the pool house with this brand name on it, first thought of by the bois to be a super hero

What is "Quiksilver"?


Bean's classic misheard lyric of "Camper Talk" about the road that the cabin is on had him saying this instead of "Persimmon Road"

What is "Persimmon Row"?


Coming in at a silly 9 minutes and 5 seconds long, this is the longest single song on the entire Good Music Playlist

What is People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul?


In the Hubbler classic "Soda Taste Test Challenge", we used Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Coke, and this other green-bottled sodie-pop

What is Mellow Yellow?
