The "pezzo" was a four legged creature that could be a late night menace, but was easily driven off with a couple thrown rocks
What is a dog?
This corner of Bolivia is affectionately nicknamed the "Green Hell"
What is the Chaco?
This Bolivian President was named Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, but he was better known by this nickname.
What is "Goni"?
This nutty soup was a fan favorite at training center lunches.
What is Sopa de Maní?
They didn't mention it in the brochure . . . but on day-one in-country they handed out nets and issued stern warnings to avoid this insect.
What is the vinchuca?
This could be the shittiest day of the week.
What is Miercoles?
The world (in)famous 'Death Road' leads from La Paz to this town at the edge of the Bolivian Amazon.
What is Coroico?
These PCMO's had the power to bring you in from the hinterlands, and put you up in a nice hotel while attending to your health issues.
Who were Corinne and/or Charo?
This pastry is concocted with milk, tapioca flour, and cheese.
What is a Cuñape?
RFK Jr. would not have appreciated the number of these given to Bolivia volunteers, from their first days in La Paz, throughout training and service.
What are vaccines?
On this March 23 holiday, Bolivia "celebrates" losing access to the sea.
What is Dia Del Mar?
The "Cerro Rico" overlooks this city.
What is Potosí?
Who were Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, and Che Guevara?
All this deep fried pig needs is salt.
What is Chicharrón de Chancho?
Number of warnings a volunteer would get for riding a bicycle without a helmet before being kicked out.
What is three?
The song says 'Que tu cuerpo es para darle alegría y cosa buena.' If you're dancing, you'll soon swing your hips and cry out these words.
What is "Hey Macarena?"
Ride the rails from Yacuiba all the way to this tropical city.
What is Santa Cruz?
This Bolivia 60's RPCV and 90's Country Director greeted Bolivia #10 at JFK airport in El Alto.
Who was Diane Hibino?
You won't even get hungry if you chew this with a little 'bico'
What is Coca?
Campo volunteers were lavished with a monthly living allowance of 960 Bs., which was worth only about this many greenbacks.
What is 200?
Maybe you've got Amebas, or Giardia, or various types of worms in your gut, but you can just refer to them as this.
What are "bichos?"
Anywhere around the outskirts of this city, look for houses flying a white flag to get yourself a drink of chicha.
What is Cochabamba?
One afternoon this trainee insisted on entertaining Bolivia #10 trainees with a couple looping guitar chords and a relentless repeat of the lyrics "volando voy, volando vengo!"
Who is Mick Huerta?
In the absence of the gringo classics, like Kit Kat and Snickers, this Chilean candy bar was a big hit.
What is the Golpe bar?
Getting your "GG" was a poke in the nalga, but it was a great excuse to come into town and stay at a crash pad.
What is a gamma globulin shot?