Comment dit-on "English" en français?
Transform this sentence into the plural:
La fille est grande.
Les filles sont grandes.
Which pronoun do you use when talking about yourself?
Conjugate the verb être for je
je suis
Do you use to or vous when talking to your mother or father?
Comment dit-on "math" en français?
les maths
Transform this sentence into the plural:
Un garçon est blond.
Des garçons sont blonds
Which pronoun do you use when talking about a man or boy?
Conjugate the verb être for nous
nous sommes
Do you use tu or vous when talking to your principal?
Comment dit-on "social studies" en français?
Transform the following phrase in the plural "un ami"
des amis
Which pronoun do you use when talking about you and another person or people?
Conjugate the verb être for "you all"
vous êtes
If you have just met someone would you use tu or vous?
Comment dit-on "art" en français?
le dessin
Translate the following sentence into French
The boys are interesting.
Les garçons sont intéressants
Which pronoun do you use when talking about a group of girls or women?
Conjugate the verb être for Elles
Elles sont
Comment dit-on "The teachers are strict." en français?
Les professeurs sont stricts.
Comment dit-on "computer class" en français?
Translate the following sentence into French
The schools are small
Les écoles sont petites
Which pronoun do you use when talking about a mixed group of girls and guys?
Conjugate the verb être for tu
tu es
What are the four types of schools that French students attend?
Maternelle, Primaire, Collège, Lycée