what is the name of #7
frontal bone
what is the name of #2
the large rounded projection; may be roughened
narrow slit like opening
what shape of bone is #17
short bone
what is the name of #3
temporal bone
what is the name of #10
zygomatic bone
what is the first layer of the bone called ( right under the periosteum)
compact bone
indentation at the edge of a structure
what type of bone is your femur (#11)
long bone
what is the name of #5
parietal bone
what is the name of #13
1. sharp, slender, often pointed projection.
2. very large, blunt, irregularly shaped process ( the only examples are on the femur )
1. spine
2. trochanter
shallow, basinlike depression in a bone, often serving as an articular surface
what kind of bone is #24
flat bone
what is the name of #14
occipital bone
what is the name of #4
what is the second layer of the bone called
spongy bone
canal like pathway
what type of bone is #19
short bone
what is the name of #1
ethmoid bone
what is #11 called
nasal bone
smooth, nearly flat articular (joint ) surface
round oval openings through a bone
what type of bone is #8
irregular bone