What is the biggest bone in the body?
What is the femur
T or F- An ACL tear is the most seen injury in sports.
Where is the tibial tuberosisty located?
What is anterior tibia
T or F- AM is better
What is TRUE!!!
What is your "knee-cap" referred to as.
What is the patella
What sits behind the ACL?
What is the PCL
What bony land mark is number 4?
What is the medial condyle
How many dogs does miss A have and what are the names?
What is 2, Kobe and Brony.
This bone is non-weight bearing
What is the fibula.
What ligament connects the tibia to the femur?
What is the MCL
T or F- Gerdy's tubercle connects the tibia and fibula
What is False; connects fibula to femur
How many ACL injuries are seen in a year?
What is 1 in 3,000 people a year.
What bone sits in the quad tendon down to the patellar tendon?
What is the patella
What bone do both of the Mencius sit on?
What is the tibia
How many bony landmarks are in the knee?
what is 7
What is the function of ligaments?
What is stabilize the joints or hold the ends of 2 bones together.
The LCL connects what bones?
What is fibula to femur
How many main ligaments and soft tissues are in the knee?
What is 8
Where does the epiphyseal plate sit?
what is head of tibia
What is Chondromalacia?
What is damage to the cartilage under the knee cap.