round process sticking out of the lateral side of the scapula
what is acromion
the largest bone of the arm
what is humerus
the sesamoid bone in the leg
what is patella
the neck of the head
what is the anatomical neck
the long bones which comprise the fingers
what is phalanges
the line across the scapula
what is spine of scapula
the bone existing on the thumb's side
what is radius
the largest bone of the body
the only existing part on the shaft
the group of bones in the middle of the hands
what is metacarpal bones
it is the smaller piece of the pectoral girdle
what is clavicle
the bone existing on the pinky's side
what is ulna
the bone which does not hold any of the body's weight
what is fibula
the part responsible for allowing the radius to fit
what is the radial fossa
the group of bones which comprise the wrist
what is the carpal bones
the PROCESS of the pectoral girdle
what is the coracoid process
the PROCESS of the elbow
the larger bone of the lower leg
what is tibia
the round neck at the top of the shaft
the carpal bone which is named after the moon
what is lunate
the larger piece of the pectoral girdle
what is scapula
the top of the largest bone of the arm
what is the head of humerus
the group of 14 bones of the ankle
what is tarsal bones
the groove at the top of the shaft
the carpal bone which is shaped like a boat
what is scaphoid