bones in the human skull that form the top of the head.
Parietal Bone
part of the breastbone- the upper solid part that connects to the clavicle and true ribs.
The place in the pelvis where your femur fits is called
thigh bone, the longest bone in the body
What is femur?
the shorter of the two long bones of the forearm
What is radius
bone that forms the upper jaw
What is maxilia?
The collarbone
a large triangular bone at the base of the lower spine
What is the sacrum?
the kneecap
What is petella?
the bone that forms your elbow
What is the ulna?
Squamous suture
The Scapula is connected to the clavicle with this structure
acromial(acromion) process
The projection on the top/side of the femur is called
greater trochanter
the inner and thicker of the two long bones in the lower leg has a rounded projection that the patellar tendon is attached to. What is this called?
tibial tuberosity
The humerus fits into the scapula at what bone part (on the scapula)
Glenoid Cavity
The opening in the skull that allows the spinal cord to enter the brain
The part of the vertebrae that sticks out the back forming the lumps you feel down your spine.
Spinous Process
The lowest of the three major bones in the pelvis that you sit on
the bottom part of the outer lower leg which technically forms the projection of your ankle is called.
lateral Malleolus
The hook part of the ulna, fits into a depression on the back of the humerus called what?
olecranon fossa
Part of the eye, named after the tear duct
Lacrimal Bone
flat, curved bones that form the framework of the chest
What are the ribs?
one of the three sections of the hipbone; together these two bones form the front of the pelvis
What is pubis?
The part of the foot that the tibia sits upon is called?
The part of the humerus that the radius articulates on is called what?