What would cause bad breath?
Not brushing your teeth
TRUE OR FALSE. I should wash my face everyday
Do you wash or condition your hair first?
TRUE OR FALSE. You should brush your teeth in small circles on the top and bottom
Yes. This will help food and bacteria be scrubbed away
TRUE OR FALSE. Can you get breakouts on your face from not washing?
How often should you wash your hands?
After using the restroom. Before eating. After touching a lot of objects
When do we put deodorant on?
After the shower, beginning of the day
Is oral hygiene important for your overall health?
How long should you wash your hands?
At least 20 seconds
How often should you wash your hair?
At least 3x a week
How can our bad hygiene affect the people around us?
get others sick, distract them, make it hard for others to work, make others not want to be around us
What does a buildup of food in your teeth and gums cause?
bad breath, gum disease, plaque and bacteria
I can wash my face without washing my hands first
NO. You should always use clean hands to wash your face
TRUE OR FALSE. It's OK to wash my hair only once a week.
TRUE OR FALSE. When you're in the shower, you should wash from the top to the bottom of your body
Can leaving makeup on your face overnight lead to skin irritation?
Yes. You should wash your face before sleeping
Name one specific germ or bacteria that can live under your fingernails
e. coli, yeast, staph
What do we have on our heads (scalp) that cause greasy looking hair?
Natural oils and skin debris
Do certain jobs have special rules when it comes to hygiene and appearance?
Yes. Jobs in the health care, food industry and personal care will have an emphasis on hygiene