What is job for someone who likes to work with food?
Chef, cook, baker, grocery store employee
What kind of sandwich can you get at Chick Fila?
What are the colors on a traffic signal?
Red, yellow and green
What is the weather usually like in the summer in New York?
What can you play with that is a big hoop that you spin around your waist?
A hula hoop
What is a job for someone who likes to work outdoors?
A landscaper, a gardener, a farmer, construction worker
Who sells a Frosty?
What color is Mr. Rob's car?
When would you use an umbrella?
When it is raining
What kind of pet does SpongeBob Squarepants have?
A snail
What is job for someone who likes to work with children?
A teacher, a teacher's aide, a day care worker
What fast food restaurant sells tacos?
Taco Bell
What color is the sky on a nice day?
What do use to tell the temperature outside?(Besides looking at your phone)
A thermometer
Who was the first President of the United States?
George Washington
What is a job for someone who likes to help sick people?
A doctor or a nurse
What kind of sauce is on a McDonald's Big Mac?
Special Sauce
What color do you get if you mix red and white?
What should you wear in the Winter to stay warm outside?
Coat, hat, scarf, boots, gloves
What is the website called where you can upload and watch all kinds of videos?
What is a job for someone who likes to help people in the community?
Police and firefighters
What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Tell us your favorite
What is the color of tennis balls?
Bright fluorescent yellow
What is it called when you hear loud sounds from the sky, see giant electric sparks in the sky, and it is raining and windy?
A thunder and lightning storm
What animal is black and white and eats lots of bamboo?
A panda