The moon orbits this object
What is Earth?
The best ore in Minecraft before the nether update
What is diamonds?
The two parties in Bonzwazia
What is Ryangang and Montigues?
This is where avocados are from
What is Mexico?
This is the amount of states in the U.S.A
What is the number 50?
This is a whole number that is positive or negative
What is an Integer?
A cobblestone generator needs two things
What is lava and water?
This is our first president in Bonzwazia
Who is Mikey?
This is the meme way to spell monkey
What is M-O-N-K-E?
Who is George Washington?
This is the person who discovered America
Who is Christopher Columbus?
A parrot is tamed by this item
What are seeds?
This is the symbol that supports Ryangang
What is a fore-arm?
This Among Us Character is ALWAYS sus
What is Red?
COVID 19 stands for this
What is Corona Virus Disease 2019?
This is what happens when the cell is in G0 phase
What is Cancer?
This is what the Minecraft wolf kills
What is Sheep?
During the war, this is how did Doffly and Ryan escaped prison
What are the sewers?
What are the consoles PS and Xbox?
This is the richest person in America
Who is Elon Musk?
The 8 characteristics of Life
What are cells, highly organized, usage of energy, growing and developing, limited lifespan, adjust to environment, reproduce themselves, and respond to stimuli.
The amount of obsidian poles naturally generated in the end
What is 10 obsidian poles?
What is Oswald's sheep's name and what is he dyed with?
Who is Goober and what is Pickle Powder?
This is the secret ingredient in Mr. Krabs secret formula
What is Crab?
This is where babies come from
What is a mom?