A job that is boring and not respected, like cleaning toilets.
What is menial?
What is being unable to read or write?
Manage, Direct, Control
What is administer?
Mansion, Villa, Estate
What is hovel?
Give the adjective form of the word that means to break up the orderly course of.
What is disruptive?
A small, unpleasant, and poorly built house.
What is a hovel?
Difficult, Hard, Tough
What is strenuous?
Rest, Relax, Laze
What is toil?
Give the part of the speech for the word agitate.
What is a verb?
To upset or disturb, like a washing machine does to clothes.
What is agitate?
What is to interrupt?
Constant, Lasting, Eternal
What is permanent?
Insufficient, Unsatisfactory, Lacking
What is adequate?
Give the noun form of the word that means unable to read or write.
What is illiteracy?
Hard work, especially when it is tiring and repetitive.
What is toil?
What is to give in or surrender?
Upset, Unsettle, Disquiet
What is agitate?
Resist, Fight, Contend
What is capitulate?
Give the part of speech for the word urgent.
What is an adjective?
Not caring one way or the other.
What is indifferent?
What is being enough or sufficient?
Pause, Time Out, Break
What is respite?
Interested, Concerned, Attentive
What is indifferent?
Give the part of speech for the word respite?
What is a noun?