He finds an enclosure holding alligators.
What does Jett find after he falls into a muddy pool while looking into the windows at the Snapper's house?
His original partner was injured and Kara took his spot.
How does Kara get partnered with Corporal Bryant when bringing in soldiers from the Casualty Clearing Station?
Gary D. Schmidt
Who is the author?
A generation of ancestors
What did each link in a lineal represent?
Jamie Sumner
Who wrote Roll With It?
The buddies are swinging and dodging golf balls in the small shed.
What does Brooklynne show Tyrell in the water sports shed?
He was an enemy soldier from Austria-Hungary.
Why weren't the Red Cross orderlies helping Sergeant Baum when he was injured?
Everything growing and coming alive.
What is the month of March all about?
She was a merchant sailor
What did Grandnother Noom, the old wamn with faded tattoos on her arms, do as a career when she was younger?
Tennesee and Oklahoma
Where did Ellie and her Mom originally live and then where did they move to?
She doesn't do many Oasis activities and has a lot of free time to wonder.
How does Brooklynne know about the separate dock with the motor boat?
She is no longer able to help with the injured soldiers.
What is Kara's punishment for helping Sergeant Baum?
The Animals of the Serengeti
What is the name of Mrs. Savages art show?
The sound of hammers hitting copper to the hulls of ships.
what did Grandnother Noom tell Sai she could hear from the harbor?
Lily Cowan
The main character in Roll With It, goes by the nickname Ellie?
She tries to brainwash him.
What does Ivory try to do to Jett after her goons catch him?
Juliette is selling things in the town square where _____ and ______ are shopping.
How does Kara meet Juliette, Kara and her mom
What is the nickname that Ty Malcolm gave Hercules Beal?
Plumeria Lane
What street was the Paper District in the city of An Lung?
Old stuffed bear named Carl
What Ellie brought with her to her doctors appointments when she was younger.
He picks the lock with two paper clips.
How does Jett get into the closet where Ivory stored his electronics?
To take her brother's blanket.
Why does Juliette leave her sweater behind?
"For the record, it's a twenty-two minute walk."
How long does it take Hercules to walk to Cape Cod Academy for Environmental Sciences'.
What kingdom was the city of An Lung?
5 years, two hundred and seven days
How long has it been since Ellie had her last seizure?