Who does Opal meet for the first time in Chapter 10 while working at the pet store?
Gloria Dump
If Opal's father were with her, how do you think he would feel about her visiting Gloria?
He might be cautious at first
Why is Ada surprised when she wakes up in this chapter?
She wakes up in a real bed, something she has never had before
She finds it strange and uncomfortable at first because she is not used to it
Where does Opal meet Gloria Dump?
In her backyard
What is unusual about Gloria Dump's backyard?
It has a tree full of hanging bottles
What does Ms. Smith give Ada that surprises her?
A warm bath and clean clothes, which she isn't used to recieving
Why is Ada afraid to take a bath?
She has never had a proper bath before and doesn't know what to expect
What does Opal notice about Gloria's yard when she first arrives?
It is filled with many bottles hanging from a tree?
Why does Gloria keep bottles hanging in her tree?
They remind her of the mistake she made in the past.
How does Ada react to Miss Smith's kindness?
She struggles to accept it because she has never been treated kindly before
What does Ada notice about her hands after her bath?
They are cleaner than she has ever seen them before
How does Opal feel when she first meets Gloria Dump?
She is curious but a little nervous.
What does Opal do to make Ms. Franny feel better?
She invites her to be friends with her and Winn-Dixie
Why does Miss Smith have trouble taking care of Ada and Jamie at first?
She never planned to take in children and doesn't know how to care for them
What does Ada do when Miss Smith gives her clean clothes?
She hesitates, unsure if she is allowed to wear them
How does Opal's perspective on Gloria change after their conversation?
She realizes that Gloria is kind and wise, not scary likes others say.
Why does Ms. Franny say she is lonely?
Because all her old friends have passed away, and she only has books for company
What does Ada begin to realize about Miss Smith's home compared to where she lived with her mother?
That it is safer, cleaner, and more comfortable that she ever imagined life could be
Why does Ada feel uncomfortable about being treated kindly?
She is not used to kindness because of the way her mother treated her