Vocab ReVue
Book, Book, Book (Musicals)
The Conflict Catastrophe

What the actors SAY & is spoken by 2 or more actors during a performance is called.... 

What is dialogue?


True or False: A book musical doesn't need to have a beginning, middle, OR end. 

What is... FALSE?


Define the term conflict. 

What is: A problem or issue that happens to drive the plot of the story?


Getting a Beauty & the Beast book script would be an example of getting a .... 

What is a LIBRETTO?


The difference between a PROtagonist and an ANtagonist is... 

What is... A protagonist is the main character in a story, whereas an antagonist is the person against the protagonist (like a villain) hindering them from achieving what they need in a story?


THIS conflict type happens between a person an their inner fears, thoughts, or self-doubt. It often happens when a character sabotages themselves from achieving something new or not taking the step to talk to someone else. 

What is character vs. self?


Define the term MUSICAL SCORE. 

What is: the music underneath the song or story to help showcase emotions/add pacing. 


Name at least 1 requirement of Book Musicals. 


1. Music, dance, and acting enhances the storyline, OR 2. The musical must have a COMPLETE story (beginning to end). 

- COULD be a book done prior and adapted into a musical!


An example of THIS CONFLICT TYPE is like Iron Man vs. Captain America or two students against each other for a school project. 

What is character vs. character?


Define the term STAGE DIRECTIONS. 

What are: What the actors DO or directions for movement/actions in performance?


Prior given circumstances BEFORE the musical script that establishes a situation, location, characters, etc. is THIS term used in book musicals. (Hint:9 words)

What is a backstory?


True or False: There are ONLY 5 types of conflict in musicals and in real life. 

What is FALSE! There are actually 44 different types of conflict we have/ have not discussed (like technology, etc.) 


A large block of lines spoken by a single character. When spoken alone OR directly to an audience, a monologue reveals the inner thoughts and feelings of a character. What is THIS term?

What is a MONOLOGUE?


What is ONE musical categorized as a book musical that we've discussed in class?

What is: 1. Guys & Dolls, 2. Oklahoma!, 3. West Side Story, 4. Fiddler on the Roof, 5. Beauty & the Beast, 6. The Wiz!, 7. Hairspray! 


Name ALL 5 conflict types we have reviewed in class today. 

What are Character vs. ...

1. Character, 2. Self, 3. Society, 4. Supernatural, & 5. Nature. 
