Jesus promised the disciples that they would be baptized with this.
The Holy Spirit
Peter and the other apostles stated they would rather obey this person than man.
Stephen died by this method.
The Holy Spirit was poured out on this group of people.
This man joined Saul on his first missionary journey.
When Paul would come to a new city, this was commonly known as the first place he would go.
The synagogue.
Paul was arrested in this location when he came to Jerusalem.
The temple.
Before his conversion, Saul consented to this man‘s death.
Paul was apart of this sect during his early life.
Paul along with the other prisoners, sets sail for this city.
This Jewish festival was taking place when the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples.
Day of Pentecost
The disciples prayed that God would grant them this, so they could speak His word.
Finish this sentence. Saul, Saul,…
Why are you persecuting Me?
Constant ______ was offered to God for Peter by the church.
Paul was stoned in this city for calling out the idolatry.
This event caused Paul and Silas’ chains to be loosed while they were in the Philippian Jail.
An earthquake.
Paul went bound in the Spirit back to Jerusalem, knowing that these two things awaited him.
Chains and tribulations.
Sadducees didn’t believe in this event.
The resurrection.
Finish this sentence. “For it seems to me unreasonable to send a prisoner and not to specify the ______ against him.”
Paul performs this specific type of miracle while shipwrecked on the island.
This man was chosen to replace Judas as one of the twelve.
The twelve disciples determined it wasn’t desirable for them to leave this in order to serve tables.
The Word of God
This man preached Christ to an Ethiopian on the side of the road.
God gave Peter a vision about this.
Unclean animals.
This man left the first missionary journey early to return to Jerusalem.
John Mark
This person told Paul and Silas no two times.
The Holy Spirit.
This specific trade in the city of Ephesus was in trouble due to the commotion caused by The Way.
Idol making
This one word Paul stated led the Jerusalem mob to stop listening to him and caused an uproar.
Paul appeals to go to this man while on trial.
Paul gives a warning against setting sail due to this event that awaited them.
A storm.
Jesus ascended into Heaven from this location.
The Mount of Olives
The man named Ananias lied to this person.
The Holy Spirit.
This man offered to pay the apostles to receive power to lay hands on anyone to receive the Holy Spirit.
Simon the Sorcerer
Finish this sentence. “What God has cleansed you must not call…”
When Paul returned from the first missionary journey, their was conflict amongst the church over this issue.
This young man joined Paul and Silas on the second missionary journey when they came to Lystra.
Finish this sentence. “And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but…”
Who are you?
The Lord spoke to Paul and told him he would bear witness in this city.
This governor succeeded Felix.
Paul stated that unless the prisoners do this, they wouldn’t be saved.
Stay in the ship.
The lame man that Peter healed was laid at this gate daily.
The Beautiful Gate
After Stephen is accused of blasphemy, his face appears as this before the council.
The face of an angel.
A man by this name baptized Saul after he received his sight again.
This man was the first apostle martyred.
Paul was referred to as this god in the city of Lystra.
After they came down to Troas, we know this doctor joined Paul and Silas.
Luke the Physician
Finish this sentence. “For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole…”
Counsel of God.
A Roman citizen.
Paul’s case was laid before this King.
King Agrippa.
Paul and the prisoners are shipwrecked on this island.
The book of Acts was addressed to this person.
This member of the council said the following. “Keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing, but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it.”
The woman who‘s name was Tabitha, was also known by this name.
The disciples were first called Christians in this city.
This man was the head of the church in Jerusalem.
Paul had a dream about a man begging for help. The man was from this city.
When Paul reunited with the brethren in Jerusalem, he told them this.
All that God had done among the Gentiles.
Paul was sent to appear before this governor in Caesarea.
Finish this sentence. “Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to…”
Become a Christian.
Paul remained in his own rented house for this length of time.
Two years.