Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapters 1-4

Which empire attacked the Northern Kingdom?

Assyrian Empire


Who was the King of the Babylonian Empire when they attacked the Southern Kingdom?



What was the first form of persecution faced by the three holy youth and who were these people who wanted to persecute them?

Accusations, Chaldeans


Why did the Three Holy Youth tell the king there was no need to answer him when he accused them of not worshiping his idols?

Because the accusation was true.


True or False. Babylon was conquered by the Persian Empire? Also, Who was the King of the Persian Empire when they conquered Babylon?

True, King Cyrus


What were the names of Israel’s two kingdoms?

Northern: Israel, Southern: Judah


How many years was the Babylonian captivity of the Jews and which Prophet prophesied that the Jews would be freed from the Babylonian captivity?

70 years and the prophet Jeremiah


The Church looks at the Three Holy Youth in the fiery furnace and compares it to what event in the New Testament?

The resurrection of Jesus Christ


What did the king see when he looked into the furnace after he threw the three holy youth in it?

“I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God”


Who wrote the following message: “Be brave, be firm in your principles and resist the general trend if it is wrong. Do not submit to the devil with all his advice and fears. Refuse anything wrong even if you find older people doing it.”

Pope Shenouda III


Why did God allow the captivity of His people?

For their repentance


What is the definition of the name Daniel?

The Lord is my judge


Why would the youth stand up to the king knowing they would be thrown into the fiery furnace? Who did they fear if it wasn’t the king?

Three Holy Youth feared no one. The only thing they feared was offending God. The furnace could not scare them. They feared committing sin.


What two things did the flames represent?

The devil and king Nebuchadnezzar


How did the king try to change Daniel and three Holy Youth’s worship?

He made an image of gold and commanded all people to worship the image


What were the 3 ways that the Babylonian King tried to change Daniel and the three Holy Youth?

Change of name, diet, worship


What were the names of Daniel and the three Holy Youth before and after they were given to them by Babylonian King? 

Before: Daniel, Ananiah, Azariah, Mishael

After: Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Abed-nego, Meshach


The governors and the Satraps had the king sign a petition stating what? Also, why did they do this?

No prayer to God or man for thirty days, Since Daniel was a man of God, they sought to target his devotion to the Lord


What does the symbolism of the fiery furnace represent?

God did not abandon the youth, but was near them. His Angel was in the furnace. The Church reminds us that Jesus is close to those who are suffering.


When the king had sentenced Daniel to the lions den how did he feel and what did he say? 

He didn’t want to throw Daniel into the lions’ den for praying. The king was greatly displeased with himself.

“Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you” (Da. 6:16)


What three things can we learn from the Book of Daniel?

Divine friendship, God is with us through tribulations, not being affected by peer pressure


What is the definition of the name Shadrach and Abed-nego?

Inspiration of the Sun, Servant of the fire / shining one


Compare the three holy youth to the resurrection of Christ?

 Fire was an enemy that no one could defeat, just like death was the enemy of mankind that no one could defeat.

The youth were thrown into the furnace, but the fire had no power over them. The Lord died on the Cross, but death had no power to hold Him down.

The Youth are seen victorious over the fire, walking freely. Our Lord Jesus Christ is victorious over death, rising from the dead.


What did the king refer to the three holy youth as and why?

Servants of the most high God, They desired, more than anything, to be servants of the Most High God. They obeyed God and praised Him with hymns and songs. This became their identity.


In order to protect Daniel, what did the king do while Daniel was in the lions den? What happened in the morning when the king went to check on Daniel? Lastly, what did the king do to Daniel's accusers?

The king had a large stone laid on the mouth of the lions’ den. Daniel was unharmed by the lions. He brought out all of Daniel’s accusers and sent them into the den of lions.
