Where did Job live?
The land of UZ 1:1
What did the Lord tell Satan not to do during their first interaction regarding Job?
“On the Man himself do not lay a finger”
OR "put not forth thine hand"
(Job 1:12)
What are the names of Jobs three friends?
Job’s three friends, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite ( Job 2:11))
Elihu was the son of who?
Barakel the Buzite NIV or Barachel the Buzite KJV ( 32:2)
Where did the Lord begin to speak to Job?
out of the storm/whirlwind 38:1
How long did Job live?
hundred and forty (140)
Job 42:16
What did Jobs wife tell him he should do while he was afflicted in pain ?
" Curse God and Die ! " (Job 2:9)
How long did Jobs friends sit with him in silence?
Seven days and Seven nights ( Job 2:13)
Why did Elihu wait to speak to job?
because they were older than him/elder ( 32:4)
What did Job do when he first answered the Lord?
put his hand over my mouth
What would Job do in the mornings for his children?
Offered burnt offerings for them
Job 1:5
What did Job use to scrape his sores?
Broken pottery or Potsherd 2:8
What did Job call his friends after listening to them all speak at least once?
miserable comforters 16:2
What description did Elihu use to describe himself of being full of words?
bottle up wine 32:19
Why was the Lord angry with Jobs friends?
"because you have not spoken the truth about me "or "spoken of me the thing which is right"
What were 2 words used to describe Jobs characteristics?
Blameless or Perfect & Upright
(Job 1:1)
What were Job's first reactions after hearing his children were dead? _ & _
Tore his robe OR rent his mantle & shaved his head (Job 1:20)
Which friend said " but if were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him" ? NIV
Eliphaz the temanite 5:8
Elihu says: The breath of God produces what?
ice or frost ( 37:10)
What did JOB do first before God restored his fortunes?
prayed for his friends 42:10
How many camels did Job have after his fortunes were restored?
six thousand ( 42:12)
What did the messenger say attacked the oxen and donkeys?
Sabeans 1:15
Which friend said Jobs words are like a blustering wind/strong wind?
Bildad the Shuhite ( 8:2)
How did he say him and Job are the same?
"piece of clay or formed out of the clay" 33:6
The Lord instructed Eliphaz the terminate and thy two friends to take _ _ and _ _to Job as a burnt offering?
( this includes # and item)
Seven Bullocks/Bulls and Seven Rams
Job 42:8